Organic growth will more or less match the desires of the people involved to the extent it is not distorted by interventions but allowed to grow on its own accord. For instance, if devs were to advertise the site heavily on 'grandma cat picture forum' it would change things a bit. But if the people who enjoy what is already here arrive and join, and the people who don't care for bitcoin, don't see the value, don't enjoy the discussion, and don't get rewards for low quality contributions die of attrition, (as will occur naturally) the culture will be maintained.
if devs were to advertise the site heavily on 'grandma cat picture forum'
Grandma and cats would be such an unexpected Trojan horse.
Sounds great for ~dogs_and_cats territory. Maybe @siggy47 would be up for this?
Who wouldn't want to go home at Thanksgiving and see that it's now grandma championing Bitcoin.
people who don't care for bitcoin, don't see the value, don't enjoy the discussion, and don't get rewards for low quality contributions die of attrition
But seriously, I think there is room for everyone. SN is a great way to show that Bitcoin is the currency of the Internet and can be used by everyone.
If some bitcoiners are turned off by new territories, that's okay. They don't seem to have vanished altogether.
If some normies are turned off by the territories that we enjoy, that's okay too.
I think the culture of both Bitcoin and SN is growth experimentation and change - photos of cats should be slowly welcomed.
After all, that's why the Internet was invented /s
The question is how it would change as it grows. If it is changed through distorted interventions aimed at a demographic that is not currently represented, it would change toward that demographic, while if it is allowed to grow organically, the existing culture will be more maintained. Although my post takes a clear side on the issue, in that it implies that a change of culture from what we have is less desirable than scaling while maintaining the culture, I don't think I said there isn't room for everyone, or that photos of cats aren't welcome. It's just that I don't believe there will be significant negative side effects of growth if there is no attempt to distort what happens naturally, while $3 trillion dollars spent in attempt to bring on XRP fans might well result in a hostile takeover of the GitHub (as though XRP fans can code). I'm just trying to illustrate the balance there.
That said, I'm with you, this is the #1 way to onboard actively. There are many social media / nostr onboards, and there's just investing in Bitcoin with Cashapp and such - but this gets people using sats and providing value and absorbing quality information all in one, so it's a great place to bring Norm. I mean, that's why I'm here :D