I currently have an idea for running my own business (still just an idea, nothing started yet) but eventually I strive to make this idea a reality, and so my question would be, how can I implement Bitcoin into my future business, in terms of accepting payment as smoothly as possible, run a node or not, things of that nature. Any advice, especially on the technical side would be very much appreciated!
Also, I'm definitely no techy so for me I understand Bitcoin and it's importance more from a non technical, economic perspective, but in your opinion do you think it's paramount that I learn at least the basic technical side of Bitcoin, and where would you recommend I start?
I mean: knowing the basics in regards to what happens after you send a transaction, or what an HD-wallet is and how it works, knowing that too many small UTXO's can become costly in different ways, as well as what a UTXO even is, wouldn't be bad to know IMHO.
You'd want to know what's the smoothest, fastest, cheapest and most comfortable way to receive payments? Cool.