If you're already into Bitcoin, and are a believer, there is something you can do for the good of the 99%.
First, if you haven't already read 1984 by George Orwell, that's essentially where we're heading and what taking back control of money can avoid.
Second, find a way to get into the system and slowly but surely switch corrupt money for Bitcoin. Doesn't have to be a job. Get your local cafe to accept Lightning. Personally I'm aiming higher and am 3 years into a FinTech that, If we survive, will become a bank that treats Bitcoin as an equal option to USD/EUR/GBP etc. By giving businesses an "easy choice". It's a serious undertaking, we're burning cash at 200k/month. Being authorised by a Central Bank (we are) comes at a high cost. When the wars of aggression stop becasue a government can't rasie enough Bitcoin we've won.
Bitcoin Core Developer
Yeah, I've been thinking about that and could totally see me do it, but I don't think I'm knowledgeable enough yet, especially in regards to lightning.
Do I get that right though? You guys are losing $200k / month?