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Howdy newbie,
You are scratching your head. BTC is pumping like crazy. But aside from a few posts that state how BTC has reached its ATH in many currencies, Stacker News is surprisingly devoid of the exhilaration you would expect from a BTC-centric site.
I am not embarrassed to share my posting history. Look at my string of zero sats and learn from me!
But why Stackers don’t care about price? You mean, they are not true Bitcoiners, you gasp? 😦
No, Stackers hold themselves to higher, more noble ideals. They aim to acquire the Bitcoin Standard, which means that they pay for EVERYTHING using their sats. I’m sure they are happy that they can buy more stuff when BTC surges in price, but it seems that getting out of the fiat cycle and the crunches of banks and loan companies is a life-affirming reward in itself. I will shy away from using my articles, so let’s look at other Stackers’ articles as a reference:
In fact, you will do better if you post your questions and observations about UTXOs instead. Stackers are all about optimising their sats through strategic transactions.
Okay, Sensei, are you really sure that Stackers care more about freedom than BTC’s price? It might just hit $100k this quarter, you know!
Yes, I’m sure. Just key in the word “Homeschooling”. You will find a flurry of posts from Stackers sharing either their homeschooling experiences or how they homeschool their kids.
They are not willing to let their children be manipulated and indoctrinated by the ways of state schools. They rather their children grow up independent and thinking critically and creatively. For a fierce discussion on the merits of homeschooling, you should check this out.
I don’t have the data but I’m willing to bet that a disproportionately high percentage of Stackers are homeschooling their kids. After all, if you free yourself of the fiat prison, you will want to prevent your children from stepping on the hedonistic treadmill in the first place.
Great articles make three compelling points. I’m willing to venture that more Stackers engage themselves in a purely carnivorous diet than the general population. Yes, zero vegetables - contrary to conventional wisdom. Just scroll through the posts on the ~health territory. Unfortunately, I haven’t obtained enough insights to say any persuasive things about my observation yet, so this third point will remain my hypothesis. Stackers do the research and free themselves from the conventional wisdom of a balanced diet.
So, my Padawan, post about Freedom, not Price!
Sending happy sats to @0b1CoinObi because he inspired me to write this post
If bitcoiners don't care about price then why do heaps of them have frikkin laser beams for eyes and doing 100 push ups a day and the like? Asking for a friend
That’s true! How did the laser beams come about anyway?
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 8 Mar 2024
not sure who started it but I think they symbolize laser focus
The laser eyes phenomenon — typically used as a symbol for showcasing a bullish outlook on Bitcoin — kicked off as part of a movement across social media to drive Bitcoin's price to $100,000 by the end of 2021, a goal that didn't come to fruition.
I once thought like this, as well, but I find that I'm actually more interested in talking about price, noticing it as a sort of experience we're all having, than avoiding it because that's something that bitcoiners do. I guess I just realize that it's kinda boring to be in the group. And while I notice price, the movement of price doesn't change my behavior. My rebuttal is meant to express that I actually want to come on here and see some excellent posts about ATH. What do you get out of holding the position as described in the post?
Excellent rebuttal. Not posting about price action to conform to the norms of SN is an act of following the here mentality. Ironically, my title screams FREEDOM haha
I actually don’t have any deep thoughts about this. I just don’t want the newbies to feel disheartened when all their efforts to stir discussion about price come to nothing haha
I'm actually more interested in talking about price
What is interesting about the price though? It goes up and down and we all have our own predictions for it ... oh, do you mean the predictions? If so, I hereby officially invite you to #363233
But after that, not sure what else there is to talk about. All I usually hear is just "bitcoin pumped" or "bitcoin crashed" or "new ATH".
So I guess my main problem is that I can't imagine how "excellent posts about ATH" could look like:
My rebuttal is meant to express that I actually want to come on here and see some excellent posts about ATH.
I appreciate the fresh perspective though
Only those looking for quick profits and new to the game are interested in the price. I've been following Bitcoin since the genesis block (I haven't held Bitcoin since then) and have seen several bear/bull markets, so I'm immune to it :) There were times when I checked the price several times a day, but not anymore. The price becomes secondary when the issue at hand is a paradigm shift in global money.
That might be because your attention has shifted to checking the Leaderboard heehee 😉
I think Americans (which many bitcoiners are) don't see the relationship between Bitcoin "price" and inflation. Citizens of countries like Argentina are raised to think about currency devaluation and how to save purchasing power. SN users "get it": it's not necessarily great when assets skyrocket in price in your local currency.
I’m Singaporean and didn’t truly see the relationship between price and inflation until I digested your comment. Which made me count my blessings that my nation’s currency is relatively strong and definitely stable (for now). Thanks for the perspective!
When I think about the price of BTC/CAD, I don't feel wealthier because it reaches 100k if my house has 2x and the bread is 3x in 9 years.
I will feel wealthy once I can buy a house in satoshi and that the price reflects the asset, not the speculation about CAD debasement.
108 sats \ 1 reply \ @Taft 5 Mar 2024
Excellent post! When you are new to Bitcoin, one thing that impresses you is the price of Bitcoin, especially when the price of Bitcoin is ascending quickly, as it's happening nowadays. Why? Because you are looking for quick profits, for sure. So, I would say that is normal for newbies dealing with the price of Bitcoin, but I agree with you @cryotosensei that "Stackers hold themselves to higher, more noble ideals". That's why they don't care a lot about the price.
Thank you for the fine praise! See you at the Meditations book club!
I'm guilty for loving the price action posts, they're fun speculation. Something for everyone.
I do agree with the title. Bitcoiner should not be posting high market price. High or Low price we should love this currency
People are still very much tied to the fiat standard, we can't do anything about it yet, but the more value Bitcoin gains in fiat, the more people will start thinking about the value of Bitcoin in Bitcoin and not fiat.
Thank you @cryotosensei very much appreciated, glad that my post(s) were of inspiration to you.
Hello fellow stackers!! I am here to declare you cannot speak about price! It is irrelevant whether it is relevant or not!!! Nobody here cares!! We are smarter and generally just more intellectually gifted than participating in such drivel.
Don't be like a sithlord who cares what's going on in the empire, be a super cool Jedi like me and join me beyond the precipice of enlightenment.. become my definition of a "true bitcoiner", just like me 🤓