We're building a new version of Bitcoin Search.
We'd love your input on the product in the spirit of building out loud (and following good product practice). It's very easy!


You'll notice two versions of a few sections:
There's a few elements
And the overall search page itself

Feedback Template

You can copy-paste this template with your feedback.
Above the scroll
  • I prefer version ... because ....
Explore section/ page
  • I prefer version .... because...
Benefits section
  • I prefer version ... because ...
  • Footer:
    • One thing i like/ dislike about the footer is...
  • Searchbar dropdown
    • One thing i like/ dislike about the dropdown is...
Search page
  • One thing i like/dislike about the search page is...
Overall: My favorite part of what I saw was...
One thing I hope you change this one thing in the final product: ...
A question I still have is...

If you prefer to give verbal feedback

If instead you'd like to participate in a 30 min user interview (no video of you + not recorded), feel free to sign up here
Built with šŸ’› by the Bitcoin Dev Project
21 sats \ 4 replies \ @art OP 5 Mar
This is a much better format, thank you!
Didn't realize could use tables and upload images natively here.
No worries. Itā€™s a bit fiddly but worth it for desktop viewing. Shout if youā€™d like any further feedback.
50 sats \ 2 replies \ @art OP 6 Mar
You'd be highly welcome in the Bitcoin Product Community!
It's quieter now than in the past, but can use some leadership if you're wanting to make frens and ignite conversations.
Thanks I remember joining the a while back. But never truly got my teeth into any projects. Some great resources there.
Hoping to improve a Bitcoin product soon myself, so Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll be asking for feedback also in a few weeks time.
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @art OP 6 Mar
I'm pretty easy to find. Would love to connect and chat shop about product + what you're hoping to build and improve
Landing Page ~ I prefer version A because it has a simple look and there goes the saying ā€Less Is Moreā€.
Explore ~ I prefer version B because itā€™s got a great colour contrast which is key for accessibility. ~ Also for a smooth user experience, I will suggest something like a filter should be added, that shows: Trending, Most viewed, Latest etc. ~ Lastly, let the "Explore Moreā€ button be designed in such a way, where it encourages/pushes user to click on it.
Benefits ~ I prefer version B because itā€™s self explanatory. ~ A call-to-action button should be placed on this screen to enable the user know the next step to take.
Footer ~ I like the style, looks simple and clean. ~ I will say having two C.T.A buttons will be quite confusing for the user. One is okay but if you really want me the user to give feedback and also submit my email for newsletter, then probably, a small section for the newsletter should be created before the footer.
Search Bar ~ The search bar is on point!
Search Page ~ I like the search page, both the one with filter and without filter.
Overall ~ Great design altogether. My favourite part is the landing page (version A), love itā€™s simplicity.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @art OP 7 Mar
I appreciate you making an account just to share your thoughts Lilian!
Things like "Trending, Most viewed, Latest etc." are definitely features we're exploring. They'd be further down the pipe.
We'd also have to be mindful of how to collect this data and best steward it in the interest of people that use the product!
Solid product sense!
Thank you šŸ¤
378 sats \ 1 reply \ @davidw 5 Mar
Testing in action, love to see it!. Perfect example of what I just mentioned in my SN post about early iterations šŸ‘

Landing Page
  • Prefer A but I would collapse the height and do away with 'the fold'. They by device. Encourage people to scroll by showing more of the content below.
  • There is plenty of space too for suggested / popular / trending searches - to reduce the amount of thinking people need to do to get started.
  • Might prefer B if it was a simple coloured background and was shorter in height. But CTA for searching is far less visible and likely to perform worse.
  • Prefer B but the caption text on each card is perhaps too wide to read and the content is somewhat merged together. Would prefer to see these as cards, with multiple lines of body text that aren't full width.
  • Search relevancy % - to know how close to my target topic the result is.
  • And perhaps show 'top', 'trending' or 'recommended', keyword or author tags to again make it a more easy decision to choose favoured or popular content.
  • Prefer B because the cards should almost always be lighter than the background.
  • Love the colour transition but you may need something in the hero area to make sure people find the content below it.
  • There should also be one BIG CTA on this screen. Not seeing what action I'm supposed to be taking.
  • Like the style. I would choose one CTA and stick with it. Not clear whether I should give feedback or give my email.
Search Bar
  • Looks great! Are each of the tags coloured? Is it clear enough I can deselect one (there's no x icon)?
Search Page
  • Looks & feels familiar. Nothing significant to change. Just might want to include imagery from from each piece of content and to somehow link articles together if they are of the same topic / theme.
  • Great job on the design. Looks like a super useful tool.
  • Consider the customer who is using this page. They are bitcoiners and likely care a bit about their privacy. Might be useful to share information that not tracking anything.
  • They might also want to join trending topics & discussions, rather than reviewing stale content, so this would be a useful addition.
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @art OP 5 Mar
Thank you for the thoughtful responses!
You've got great product sense and expertise... you're suggesting features we have on our roadmap to test with users in future releases.
220 sats \ 3 replies \ @k00b 5 Mar
Above the scroll
  • I prefer version A because it's simple and I think AI art used in B is already dated
Explore section/ page
  • I prefer version Neither because each has a bunch of irrelevant metadata. Metadata is useful when I'm comparing several similar things, but when I'm "exploring" I'm looking for something interesting not comparing their merits like I do when searching.
Benefits section
  • I prefer version B because I ignore anything in those square, stock marketing cards
  • Footer:
    • One thing i like/ dislike about the footer is... I like that everything is distinct and as expected and you're encouraging aliases ... I don't dislike anything
  • Searchbar dropdown
    • One thing i like/ dislike about the dropdown is... I like that it shows me all my search options ... I don't dislike anything
Search page
  • One thing i like/dislike about the search page is... I like that it makes me feel in control of what I'm seeing ... I dislike that it feels busy like it's struggling with visual priority
  • My favorite part of what I saw was... the dropdown
  • One thing I hope you change this one thing in the final product: some of the copy, e.g. "search the depths of bitcoin's technical ecosystem" sounds like cliched marketing language
100 sats \ 2 replies \ @art OP 5 Mar
Thanks for the feedback!
Appreciate the nudges for improvement, while overall validating that we're on the right path.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 5 Mar
Sorry if my language is bit jerkish. I like to inhabit my rage when evaluating UI/UX and I didn't have time to mood-switch.
I think Bitcoin Search is awesome! Making the UI better is gravy.
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @art OP 6 Mar
Hah, not at all.
Product feedback is a great place for catharsis
Landing Page
  • I align more with version A because (1) it's clean and simple and therefore ensures users focus on just the search bar which is their primary reason for being there. (2) It is very similar in design layout (jakobā€™s law) to the most popular search engine (Google) so user can easily relate it to a search engine and therefore reduce the amount of thinking they need to get started
  • One thing Iā€™d add (if it isn't in the product roadmap already) is to include an Image and voice search option for accessibility and inclusivity.
  • Iā€™d also add commonly searched terms like ā€œBitcoin white paperā€ also to reduce thinking time.
Explore Page
  • I align more with version B because the white background gives it a cool look (doesn't make it overwhelming) and it has a very good contrast (accessibility).
  • I think for a good user experience, a filter chip should be added so users can easily navigate contents or search results they want to see.
  • Also, I think it will be nicer and easier for users to read if the contents of the cards are broken such that we have three cards arranged horizontally with each containing a header, short introduction of not more than two lines of text, category, date&time, duration and if possible an image as this as proven to help you communicate your message more effectively and quickly, as well as make your card more memorable and clickable.
  • I also think the ā€˜explore moreā€™ button should be more prominent.
  • I align more with version B because the benefits are made to be more elaborate and therefore difficult to ignore. It's important users see them so that's a good choice.
  • Also the use of images communicates this benefits more and makes them easy to understand to the users.
  • For the hero section, personally for the sake of contrast, accessibility, playing it safe and doing less because less is more; Iā€™d stick to using the primary color for important elements like my buttons in the designs. ( this is only because orange is a difficult color to use in design)
  • Also, there is no call-to-action for users to carry out.
  • Footer looks simple and nice, although having two CTAs can be confusing for users so I will suggest having a section just before the footer where users can be encouraged to join the newsletter by providing their email and then in the footer section, users have the just ā€˜Give feedbackā€™ CTA. That way the footer is made even more clean and simple
Search Bar
  • The search bar looks cool. The addition of suggested keywords is a very good user experience as it makes it easy for users to get started without thinking much. Only thing to add if not in the roadmap already is the option to search by either image or voice for accessibility and inclusivity.
Search Page (Filter & No filter)
  • The search is very good to go. The only thing I might suggest to be added is for users to have the option to change the filter orientation from vertical to horizontal and then maybe also change the lay-outing of the cards.
  • Intuitive designs. I love the idea and the designs are superb. Although I would stick to using the primary colors for important elements of the designs. My favorite has to be the search page because itā€™s clean and simple and I understand how much work went into achieving that.
Hey thanks so much for the detailed feedback!
Thanks for sharing. Keep it clean and simple! Great start!
Thanks for your feedback!
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @Tef 5 Mar
Great searching engine! For Landing page above the scroll I prefer version A, while for explore section I prefer version B.
Thanks kindly!
What do you prefer about version B for the explore section?
Landing page: A, less is more
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @Fabs 5 Mar
Interesting search engine, nice work.
Wow! Congrats on putting this together! Such a great way to gather user feedback.
It could have fit perfectly within ~design ;) Maybe next time?
You're also welcome to not follow the template and share whatever stands out!
Above the scroll
  • I think version A looks better: cleaner, no noise, no strong colors or other elements that might distract me from the thing I have in mind and that I am about to look up
  • I prefer version A due to the clear categories one can explore, seems very organized. Also the fact the search results are in a box with a white background helps me focus on those.
  • I like version B more since I can immediately see a bunch of examples of what I can do with Bitcoin Search
  • Footer: I like that is develops horizontally, takes minimal space, yet provides a lot of interesting options
  • Searchbar dropdown: it would be interesting to see how that looks with suggestions organized in columns instead of being lined up in rows. I like that suggestion categories are almost the same ones that are going to show up in the search results page (version A)
Search page
  • looks great! I just do not understand why the rightmost column is basically empty: maybe the left column can take a bit more space? ( I am no designer so this might not be a good idea :) )