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Trying to submit a post as usual, but getting this error when clicking on post:
submit error: Invalid prisma.$queryRawUnsafe() invocation: Raw query failed. Code: 23503. Message: insert or update on table "ItemUpload" violates foreign key constraint "ItemUpload_uploadId_fkey"
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I am having this same issue right now. It seems like I have to re-upload my images since it's a post I have been working on for a few days.
Is a media issue, meaning you uploaded an image on SN more than 24h ago in your post. Just delete and reapload the image and will be fine ;)
Thanks for the reply. I will get the new images uploaded.
Ok I got the image that is giving the issue m.stacker.news/18588 look's like isn't available anymore, how it's possible?
We delete images that weren't used in a post or comment within 24 hours but I think that shouldn't apply here. When did you upload the image?
However, seems like the issue was indeed that the image was deleted in our database. The error basically says that the image wasn't found in our database (violates foreign key constraint "ItemUpload_uploadId_fkey").
For anon uploads, we delete the image within 1 hour if unused. Did you upload it without being logged in maybe?