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Congratulations! You made it to Day 7 of Million Sats Madness! Give yourself a pat on the back.
Generally I’m adaptable to change, but this doesn’t mean that I’m not suffering withdrawal symptoms to the cessation of Daily Sats. Yes, I know low time-preference and everything, but darn it, I want my dopamine rush NOW! Which is probably a good reason for me to take this opportunity to recenter myself. Focus on the worthy stuff; after all, your mind expands based on what you focus on.
So, I’m gonna count my blessings. After all, gratitude is a sure-fire way to boost life satisfaction, right? Let’s go.
  1. Thankful towards @siggy47 for lowering the posting fees of his territories so that my heart feels lighter when it comes to zapping others.
  2. Thankful towards Stackers who forward me their zaps ⚡️. Every single sat counts in these lean times haha.
  3. Thankful that Stackers seem to have stepped up their game and are posting so much interesting stuff this week. Maybe it’s the intense pressure cooker atmosphere, but I really feel that my learning has accelerated in many different directions this week. I have been inspired to write something more than once because I got stimulated by your comment. Thanks!
  4. Thankful to MSM for being the impetus for me to build new habits. A week ago, I might have used my breakfast time to catch up on my notifications. But yesterday and today, I told myself resolutely, “No!” and spent my breakfast reading leisurely. Yes, I am a competitor but I stubbornly refuse to submit my entire being to the madness.
This may be TMI but I’m literally shitposting now. Optimal use of time!
  1. Thankful that I stopped obsessing so much about my cowboy hat now that my attention has been pivoted. 😂
  2. Thankful that this competition is carried out mainly in good-natured fun and ribbing. No full-fledged display of jealousy for Stackers perceived to be “successful”. It’s great that we keep things light!
I probably can think of more things to be grateful for, but my job responsibilities beckon me. Ta-da 🤗
What is on your gratitude list?
I'm grateful for the five nameless cowards ahead of me on the leaderboard. They're keeping me motivated.
But, seriously, I'm just grateful that SN is such a cool place with so many different interesting people talking about so many interesting things.
I really hope that all identities be revealed on March 31. I would be seriously disappointed if privacy still takes precedence. I wanna know who I “lose out” to!
Some may be a hold over from privacy minded individuals. I suspect those who have chosen to hide recently is that privacy is needed in this ‘competition’ because there is a significant level of gamesmanship. Why zap someone above you for a low value post and give them sats which you could deploy elsewhere? Why not downzap a competitors post which may gain traction. Lottery style competition run over a period of time, like a lot of asset accumulation in fiat-land, needs anonymity to protect participants from each other.
This does not happen on the daily rewards as the absence of a leaderboard means you just ‘do your best’ to some extent.
In games theory terms you can imagine a one-person walking race between endless people. You are all doing it at a different time and place and it must be completed in 24-hour window. Everyone who takes part wins a portion of a prize but no one knows anyone else’s position although you can make a guess that some competitors seem to be more successful than others, and you have an idea of your own placement based on previous results. At the end of 24-hrs results are ‘published’ and you gain having made your own best effort.
Now do an endless number person race where you can see everyone else, you still know who may do well and your own potential position yet you can do small actions which could affect the front runners, and improve your own position to be in the winning 64 for a prize ,and you see a regularly updated leaderboard. At the end of 30-days the results are ‘confirmed’ and you gain (or not) based on your own best effort AND this is can be improved by hindering others. Privacy would significantly benefit you.
(Nb: I apprecaite there are daily leaderboards for top stackers etc but my theory stands)
1984 is one of my favorite novels and I’m kicking myself in the face for not having seen the similarity between the Lottery and Million Sats Madness.
I’m wondering if BTC mining companies play similar games against one another in order to mine the most sats haha
Game theory is at the heart of bitcoin. Whilst that may not play out with miners against each other it certainly plays out within the ecosystem. It is currently most profitable to focus on deploying the maximum number of rigs efficiently, it may become more profitable to sabotage other miners in due course. I can’t say if it happens yet but it would work woth single figure numbers of large mining entities competing to either exclude smaller operations or to gain advantage over their peers…. The joy of game theory in this instance is that if you damage one competitor you enhance all others (including yourself).
This point also explains political lobbying for regulations by corporations and special interest groups.
The remedy for this kind of situation is to add social norms to the mix. Either in the form of a cost for hiding or a benefit for not hiding.
Unite to oppose the hoards of nameless cowards!
As opposed to the exact opposite we currently employ. Maybe a fee? Perhaps you opt out of the competition by choosing privacy. No strong opinions from me, it is not my sandbox… I just play in it every once in a while.
We'll see what emerges. It could be as simple as zapping a little extra to people showing off their cowboy hats.
I'm just stirring this up because it's a fun element of competition and I'm really interested in this stuff. I don't want anyone kicked out, though.
Hahahahaha😜😜😜😜😜' Five nameless cowards'.. LOL. That's how they'll be cheered on the dice. AMAZING !!!!
I’m sure you can guess who they are though.
I'm so grateful to the entire Stacker News community, especially those who encouraged me to come here. My internet life was boring and I wasn't earning any satoshis.


I second this! I'm very grateful for this community!
For this and for other inspiring posts, you are a winner for me.
You're right, you're writing with so much of passion, there shouldn't be a competition for you. But suddenly a post with some tech-stuff or may be out of our taste gets zapped more than all of your posts could accumulate.
You need not get disheartened though. Being a warrior is rather difficult than being a winner. Keep your mind focused and keep enlightening SN.
From me for a tired friend
Lol, good luck on placing yourself up in the ranking. 🤞🍀
#gratitude is a superpower