We need an edit limit or it will fuck up the flow of discussion. You could be replying about something that is later edited by the OP. Confusion
Yes, this is the greatest concern we have next to straight up abuse (completely rewriting something) but I think it's solvable. We just need to figure something out. At least I don't want to not try at least.
For what I'm talking about, having an edit history will clutter up the kind of posts I'm talking about.
How exactly? You mean because you would edit a lot, like multiple edits per hour? Or because you think the edit history will be immediately visible when you visit a post?
A solution for the former would be to group edits in a specific time period together (like every edit within the same hour shows up as the same edit in the history) and a solution for the latter would be to be show if you click on something like edit history in the context menu:
Yes. Edit history would be fine in the context menu.