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I got inspired by the amazingly long and descriptive @davidw's post about The data to help you become a better Stacker ⚡ and decided to write this one.
I'll be not even near to reach that kind of complexity and quality, but it inspired me to dive deeper and better understand which territories are worth posting (generically speaking - each post could be a different case itself) Let's see if I'm right!
My main issue was mainly related to the KPIs displayed on top territories, all that data isn't giving me what it was looking for. So I took that raw data from last month and started playing with it. I excluded all new and archived territories, and also those with zero revenue, and then followed this process:
  • {rank}, it's only the result of multiplying all KPIs, so not really worth looking at it.
  • I started defining the {fee} for each territory
  • Then a glimpse into the {profitability} dividing {spent} by {revenue}.
  • From there, I wanted to know the average {engagement} rate, dividing the number of {comments} by the number of {posts} for each territory. I thought it's kind of helpful to know hoe many comments in average one could expect... more or less!
  • {revenue/post} could be an interesting metric for territory owners
  • The {worthiness} it's the result of {revenue/post} less {fee} kind of evaluate the risk of posting on a territory. When negative means that there's a high risk that the stack you spend for posting there will probably not return.
  • and finally the {stackrate} and {spendrate}, calculated respectively taking {stacked} and {spent} and divide them by number of {comments}.
This is basically what I got after few interactions:
You could read any row as:

If I post in {territory} I'll probably need to respond to {engagement} comments, and I'll maybe earn {worthiness} sats.

This is probably not really an accurate output, as I assume the fee for posting might have changed already in some territories in the past month. All columns are displaying average values, and it will be probably be obsolete in the next week, so do not take it too seriously. It served the only purpose to share this post here in ~meta for obvious reasons, and hopefully get some more insights out of the default data.
It will be nice to have this data live somehow. But yeah... Just an idea!
Hope you enjoyed the ride! It could be fun to build better KPIs for SN. What do you think?
Nicely done. My analysis (inc. territories) is somewhat flawed in that it only looks at posts with over 1k sats. But that’s what is important to me. In these times of unlimited information, for me quality > quantity.
I’m also keen to compare the various metrics on those over time. Your analysis feels well rounded in that respect, in that it’s not looking just at >1k sat posts.
Cost to me is irrelevant when posting, it’s all somewhat negligible. I am keen to know where the valuable conversations are happening and where the best and most thoughtful posts are occurring. And to take inspiration from territories seeing success.
~AMA is somewhat skewed for now. It’s going to be very interesting when AMAs start happening inside territories or multiple territories per post.
~booksandarticles, ~econ and ~lightning seem to be in a league of their own at this time for sats, comments and engagement. ~builders profitable but in the chasing pack for engagement. More on that in a post landing any day now.
Thank you for your thoughts on this. That's exactly why I took the raw data and work with it instead filtering out unnecessary details. I mean, I removed new and archived territories for obvious reasons: I just wanted to have an overview of active territories.
{engagement} is the most interesting metric I have found. Having a hit on the number of comments per post is for me a fascinating, an intriguing fact that need to be valorized more.
I guess the conversation on this thread is in line with my feedback.
121 sats \ 1 reply \ @nout 9 Mar 2024
I have ~gaming because I like games. That's as far as my territory optimization goes...
Haha. You're in good company. Or at least, company :)
It's interesting that ~BooksAndArticles and ~econ have such a low {worthiness} and {revenue per post} despite such impressive activity (I see posts in those territories pretty frequently). I'm also surprised that ~art has such a high rank. I need to check it out. Great job!
Definitely! ~art was a surprise for me too, together with ~mostly_harmless for the {engagement} rate it has. Congrats @antic and @elvismercury for keeping up with the hard work!



I had it bookmarked to look at when I had time.
A quick thought, I feel like we should have basic data like # of posts or # of comments. this gives an idea of how noisy or reliable the calculated metrics per post are. Alternatively, we could have an error bar.
Extending the same thought again, I am not sure whether you have taken the outlier out for your analysis. A couple of highly successful posts may make a territory rank high. This post #450871 by @davidw reminded me of outlier posts.
Sure thing, the data taken from SN is included on the hidden columns, you sould be able to display it. you'll find it on the shared airtable link, but not on the image above, as I wanted to focus on the outputs I got. The data was from 08/02 to 08/03
A couple of highly successful posts may make a territory rank high.
I agree, that's why I focus my efforts on one month instead one week. Territories still changing pretty often, so there's not enough stable data to play around yet
Most excellent work, sir!
Glad you like it. DO you reckon it could be improved somehow?
Not yet. Let it cook a bit.
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