Nicely done. My analysis (inc. territories) is somewhat flawed in that it only looks at posts with over 1k sats. But that’s what is important to me. In these times of unlimited information, for me quality > quantity.
I’m also keen to compare the various metrics on those over time. Your analysis feels well rounded in that respect, in that it’s not looking just at >1k sat posts.
Cost to me is irrelevant when posting, it’s all somewhat negligible. I am keen to know where the valuable conversations are happening and where the best and most thoughtful posts are occurring. And to take inspiration from territories seeing success.
~AMA is somewhat skewed for now. It’s going to be very interesting when AMAs start happening inside territories or multiple territories per post.
~booksandarticles, ~econ and ~lightning seem to be in a league of their own at this time for sats, comments and engagement. ~builders profitable but in the chasing pack for engagement. More on that in a post landing any day now.
Thank you for your thoughts on this. That's exactly why I took the raw data and work with it instead filtering out unnecessary details. I mean, I removed new and archived territories for obvious reasons: I just wanted to have an overview of active territories.
{engagement} is the most interesting metric I have found. Having a hit on the number of comments per post is for me a fascinating, an intriguing fact that need to be valorized more.
I guess the conversation on this thread is in line with my feedback.