i wish i had set up a lightning node earlier, using it helped me understand lightning in a way books or blog posts couldn’t.
doing > reading.
How long did you know about the Lightning network before you took the plunge? Did you re-purpose an old computer, or did you buy a dedicated piece of hardware (Rasberry Pi, etc)?
i remember when lightning first came out, but i had no idea why or how i might use it.
i remember thinking tippin was a pretty cool project a while back too, but didn’t really dive deep into Lightning until Jack Mallers’ Bitcoin 2021 announcement.
only took me a month or two after that to set up an umbrel/raspberry pi node, which dramatically improved my understanding of ln.
You making any money on the Lightning node? I am syncing a HDD at the moment, but it's taking quite a while for BTC to copy over - 40 days and 40 nights.
i’m not actively routing, but there are a growing number of node operators i’ve heard of making hundreds of dollars per month by routing payments or selling liquidity.
some of the large players are making thousands per month.