The hardest most decentralized money in the world is an amazing achievement by humanity. It gives the ability to save money, save time/energy spent in a fungible and universal way.
This should give peace of mind. This should empower me to do whatever I want and NOT worry about money and finances. It's the perfect solution to solve these issues so that I should not have to think about them anymore.
But that isn't the case. I can't stop thinking about Bitcoin while it is made so that I shouldn't have to think about it anymore. I waste my time listening to Bitcoin podcasts and watch Bitcoin Youtube videos and procrastinate an a Bitcoin social media. Why is that?
It becomes all encompassing. Listen to some music again. After about 6 months of non stop podcast when I went back to just listening to music in the car,it was glorious, like finding the music all over again.
Honest question how long have you been around? The 'i gotta learn everything, and listen to everything and read everything phase" lasted about 24 months for me.
I used to go to sleep with a chart tab open next to the Netflix I was watching. I used to check price as soon as I woke up, or if I woke in the middle of the night. I also used to want to tell EVERYONE about Bitcoin.
Basically, Over time you realize you CANT learn everything, between mining, game theory, comp sci, psychology, economics, node running, there are so many aspects to it.
Find one and dive in. Focus that loose 'i need to read more, I need to do x more' energy into a certain aspect.
Honest question how long have you been around? The 'i gotta learn everything, and listen to everything and read everything phase" lasted about 24 months for me.
Hard to say. I've been into computer science and cryptography and self-sovereign cyberpunk stuff and P2P longer than Bitcoin exists. So 15+ Years?
On the other hand, my thoughts on this were Tor-centric, torrent-centric, darkweb-centric until maybe a year or two ago. I didn't get how Bitcoin was the culmination instead of just another tool in the toolbox. So 18 months?
Hard to say.
welcome, thanks for having me :)
kinda similar cyberpunk history here.
What falsefaucet said. The rabbit hole is deep and exciting but it shouldn't take up all of your time. After about a year or so I guess you need a detox and to enjoy music and nature again.
I used the Covidian Interregnum to refocus on my guitar playing and learning a second instrument, rather than obsessing on Bitcoin’s price & drama.
This comment was featured on This Day in Stacker News.
You want to learn everything possible. There will come a time where you can relax knowing Bitcoin is inevitable. Once I realized this from my countless hours of education I finally took a break from the rabbit hole.
Then I found the Lightning network rabbit hole...
How's the LN rabbit hole?
I love the lightning rabbit hole, both the technical and value 4 value sub-rabbit-holes are great on their own, but one of the best things is it doesn't have the Twitter drama, rhetoric and unnecessary toxicity around whatever is the "current thing" (for liberals, conservatives, libertarians and contrarians alike)
I had just stopped listening to podcasts 24/7 and reading books like a manic, when I discovered SN, value for value, and the Lightning rabbit hole. Bitcoiners have personality types that necessitate periodic obsessions.
Because it's still very early.
Eventually you'll think about Bitcoin about as much as you think about the Internet. You'll use services built on top of it, and maybe even have the equivalent of ISPs providing things like liquidity, but you will probably cease obsessing over it as an abstraction. It will just be.
Maybe it is also political and altruism. You know the advantages or at least have opinions on it and want the rest of the world to agree and/or catch up.
If you can save with peace of mind that's only half the job. The other half is on a society level.
I had a similar thought. Bitcoin is supposed to be empowering, but if you hold too much of it, it can become a distraction caus u will be thinking about wether u lost or made money today due to the exchange rate.
Hmm, this does not apply to me. I only look up the price when there is a discussion on SN about it. Same goes for my stocks - there are stocks that I bought in 2013 or something and haven't looked up if they are up or down ever since.
There will come a day when bitcoin is just "money" and nobody will think about it or get excited about it. But for now, the future is yet to come, and that is inherently invigorating.
But shouldn't this day already have come for those that are deeper into Bitcoin or more enthusiasts?
When Bitcoin is just "money" in most people's minds, it will be in a hyperbitcoinized world. Like how today the USD is just "money" and not a new novel government paper.
I think a major reason may be because Bitcoin is still new to you. You weren't raised being taught about how to save and spend money that is Bitcoin. In the US for example, when someone says money, they mean dollars (I like to play with people and give them Yen instead and laugh at the face they make at me).
Because Bitcoin is new to you, you feel the need to learn about it and because you believe in it, you want to learn how to contribute to it. This is not the same situation as someone who just expects to get what they think of as money whenever they put in a job application.
I feel you, for sure, but I think it's just because bitcoin is so new and actually requires learning. Eventually, this stuff will just come second nature to people. Same like you have a supercomputer in your pocket and probably don't think about it much.
I think it's just a matter of finding a balance between wanting to learn, but also realizing you can't learn everything. You can't be a mining expert AND and privacy expert AND a super coder AND a lightning expert etc. Use bitcoin for what you need it for, and enjoy learning about something you think is interesting.
Your psychology has been hacked, the same way Apple hacks my brain to make me want to buy every one of their products possible. Congratulations on realizing that your current thought processes are not normal.
Go enjoy the summer.
learning is different than thing about net worth.
think about bitcoin the technology as much as you can but think about it's dollar worth as little as possible
I have heard many stories of people who got into bitcoin and have improved their lives. because they have incorruptible money, they care more about the future, care more about their health, and look to build a family. Look more into their stories maybe through podcasts may help you find a better way.
Society is a crazy breed. As the state and technology erodes the fabric of local P2P connections we become isolated, anxious and frustrated. We move away from the people we know for better job opportunities. We try less hard in relationships because there are so many others to choose from given enough swipes on our phones, and there is birth control. We listen to podcasts and watch videos of people, and our brain gets the false sensation of having an in-depth discussion with a cherished friend, who we will never meet.
Bitcoin is (my intermittent) copium, but might just lead to a large benefit in our lives in our lifetimes.
Credits to Mattias Desmet.
Retvrn bitcoiner, retvrn.
"Nodes can leave and rejoin the network at will"
True for nodes, true for people. Need a break? Don't worry, Bitcoin will be there for you once you want to engage again.
Take a breathe, pick up an old hobby, go for walks, read a book.
Bitcoin is awesome, but life is too.
Schön wieder von dir zu hören Gigi.
Bitte mal wieder Stacker News bei einundzwnzig und Twitter shillen, bitte 🥺👉👈)
I wouldn’t say your life revolves around it. Your just passionate about it like most of us are too. If it’s not BTC, you be doing the same thing with something else in your life.
I decided to not pay much attention about the price/economic side of btc because we all know where btc is going.
So i try to focus on the technologycal side of btc, because this will be much more useful in the future
I can't relate, I don't spend time thinking about bitcoin in general only when I buy it weekly on Robosats, Bisq or Relai. After that I don't think about it much at all
My suggestion is to pivot into other topics too... Especially hard things, like research on emotions, connection, relationships, leadership, self help, exercise, diets, responsibility... there are podcasts, communities, etc, the whole deal.
You can obsess about those similarly and it will make you have much fuller understanding of things 😀
Found it, its a scene from a 2011 movie called Another Earth
That explains it perfectly!
Where is the original clip from?
it will not stop till you reach the point where you see you have to be. my advice 4 you its to meditate frecuently and good walks
A good walk is always nice for clearing ones head
It's just that good of a revolutionary idea. The future, when it explodes, is going to be wild.
@ideasourcing none of what I'm about to say is about you, I'm sure you are an excellent person. I'm just relieving myself of some thoughts I've had the last few days as I've joined the BTC community.
He's a doomsdayer. This is someone who, for one reason or another, has convinced themselves that the world as we know it will violently change in the near to mid future, and Bitcoin will become an immediate utility that reaches something which echoes universal adoption. They believe that those who have it will be swarmed by beautiful women who have dumped their soy boy beta cuck fiat wimps for a true Bitcoin alpha.
These people are incredibly simple minded, and haven't even gamed out what would happen in such a scenario of 'explosive' transition. Such an explosive transition will likely bring the national security state into overdrive, which will likely lead to a crackdown of one sort or another on Bitcoin as is inherently destabilizing to the traditional power structures. We should not want an explosive future, because the national security state will overreact. They will say 'we need to crack down on criminals and money laundering', and won't hesitate to freeze the accounts of institutions that hold/trade Bitcoin if they don't surrender it to the government. Apps like CashApp will suspend Bitcoin related services, under pressure/legislation from the government so as to prop up the value of the dollar amid international pressure/inflationary headwinds/war.
We should not want an explosive future, but people accept it as a matter of fact like a doomsday cultist would accept that there is going to be a 'final battle between good and evil. Trust me ;) God has no such plans to send the host of heaven to put the smackdown on that bitch-ass Lucifer, nor is it frankly likely that the future will be explosive. All of the global self-interest is tied into international trade and economic growth - only a small, vocal and frankly mentally unstable minority wants to see war. Now, because of that unstable minority, we might have war - but most people don't want it, which is probably why we won't have it.
The best option for Bitcoin, as I see it, is for people to invest in civilization - not hedge against it. If humanity can keep society stable, over time people will naturally migrate to Bitcoin and Lightning as fundamentally superior solutions to the problem of money. This way, growth will be gradual, organic and policymakers won't be able to head off universal adoption, as it will be too late. As of now, it is not too late for government to cut the head off the snake - and for the BTC community to be crushed. Let's try not to be so anti-establishment, and actually try to invest in the modern civilization that took hundreds of years to build instead instead of callously casting it aside in favor of... what exactly?
I definitely agree with this. I'd like to see a smooth transition where Bitcoin just infiltrates and outpaces the traditional financial infrastructure. Its just that useful a tool. Sort of like how the internet just became ubiquitous over the past 30+ years.
I found myself, once I reached a BTC amount I had targeted, thinking less and less about it all. I felt a need to rush to "get there" and "make the right choices"... but once I "got there" I got some perspective. It was a milestone. I'm still involved, still DCAing, still learning... but its not "my life" or even "my identity". It's something I own, I'm confident in it's future and know I'll be fine regardless.
Perspective comes with time. All things pass.
This post was featured on This Day in Stacker News.
Because Bitcoin is a mirror to truth, and so it helps to reflect the nonsense of our fiat reality. It becomes the only world worth living in. Bitcoin is not just money, it's a game you want to live in and be a part of and see grow.
Same thing happened to me. I'm still very new to the Bitcoin space, started in January last year. I used to listen to every Bitcoin podcast and video I could get my hands on for hours each day. I would read every article I came across and delve deep into how the code works. I'd watch the price constantly and look at charts projecting possible future prices.
Slowly but surely I dropped the new habits I developed. My price fixation was the first to go, stopped around the same time I stopped shitcoining. After a year of obsession, I sort of burned myself out. I went through my podcast app and culled the podcasts I wasn't listening to anymore. Started listening to non-Bitcoin podcasts and audiobooks again. Started listening to more music again. The Bitcoin related content has found a balance with my other interests now. Its still something I'd like to focus on, but its not all encompassing anymore.
It's because it makes sense of alot of the things u question in the this space you are not called crazy if u can attracts truth what I have learned from being around bitcoiners we all know signal and what noise is makes for easier communication. yes not having to worry about financial issues does help eliminating one thing that keeps alot of people from their path of being great and finding their purpose!
You expect bitcoin to be worth 1+ million.
Since you will become a multi-millionaire, what is the point to work on anything anymore?
Читая вас , у меня есть надежда что не весь мир сошел с ума. У меня было достаточно ума сохранить пятую часть монет с 2014. Я в Украине. У меня дома война. Все вокруг разбито. Остался только BTC.
I feel you. Perhaps listen to this mixtape to relax for a bit.
I having the same feeling too. Almost like if I want to quit doing everything else.
my life should not evolve about pastel-colored cartoon horses, yet it does. (and bitcoin too)
It doesn't go away, haha. The best way to scratch the itch (if you have the skillset) is to start building Bitcoin tooling, contributing to open source Bitcoin/Lightning projects, or get a job working for a Bitcoin company. Bitcoin needs its passionate believers to devote their energy to ensuring it succeeds!