Cool! Bookmarked it for future. I will try to pin as many places as possible when I'll be on the world tour. #414561 Also, if I can suggest, it would habe been better if there's some kind of verification for the places can be done. Like upvoting, zapping if the place really accepts bitcoin.
Wow, Cuba with 26 locations ! I didn't expected that. Well done.
Always hilarious Austin or Texas never seems to exist on these things. This is why focusing on your backyard, then state, then country, then world is the way. The outright ignoring people, companies and/or city’s and states existing in the ecosystem is always sus to me when I see it.
Volunteers enter those records manually to Open Street Maps. Btcmap is just displaying it. It's public open data. So someone in Texas would have to do it and keep it up to date, that's all that's missing 😉
There are many communities around the world that keep the details up to date. For example in Germany the community organizes here
So you’re saying unless you have Bitcoin in your name you get left out. Because I’m seeing results of places in Texas that show up. If that is the case, these databases don’t scale properly.
Human curation for a human movement is the way.
No, that's not how it works. It doesn't guess that you accept bitcoin based on the name.
People (anyone) have to go to and do the human curation - e.g. add metadata/tags to your business and select whether you accept onchain, lightning, etc.
So for example you can create account on and add tags to any location in Texas that you want. Sort of like updating wikipedia. And then this will show up on btcmap (and also on other similar maps / applications that use the same base data from OSM)
Why not just grab results from Google or Meetup? In the world of automation and api’s why leverage something like openstreetmap? It should be leveraging all platforms and aggregators regardless, hence 🚩 leaving communities out.
How do you find that the little food truck accepts Bitcoin over lightning by Googling if the food truck doesn't even have a website? (In the US food trucks probably have websites, but definitely not in the rest of the world)
I'm still not following on your argument or how do you propose this to be done? The solution has many problems (records get outdated, some shops require custom app, it's somewhat tricky to enter data, etc), but I don't really see how this could be done better in a major way? The communities I know had to manually call the businesses to do the verification (or chat them over WhatsApp, which is the main business channel in South America).
The work is done by individuals, the btcmap team as far as I can tell only provides tooling support and the app.
Than it negates everything it’s trying to do by this exclusion. Not sure how you’re missing this Nout? It’s not accurate or a leaderboard. It’s LARPing as one.
They should be onboarding countries and other territories, not promoting it as something it’s not. does this human and user curation/submission much more effectively because it’s just that a directory.
This sounds like a great extra reason for me to come to Austin so we can figure it out together over some nice lunch :)
Part of this may be my lack of sleep recently - my 6 week old son is not yet understanding time preference and demands immediate satisfaction every couple hours.
How is the ranking calculated?
101 sats \ 1 reply \ @SqNr65 12 Mar
I've been to/called a bunch of these places in my city to go use Bitcoin and every single one turned out not to accept Bitcoin, the people didn't even know wtf I was talking about when I asked and I looked like an idiot, this site needs to get it's shit together
Same! So I just deleted them from the list
I am a BTCmap contributor so everyone who has/knows a business that isn't on the map and accepts Bitcoin - I can add it
Is the data for the Czech Republic correct? If so, I'm impressed with how a small country like that has so many places to spend Bitcoin.
64 sats \ 1 reply \ @nout OP 11 Mar
@hynek and other folks are doing some solid work there :)
this tool is really helpful
It has pretty deep Bitcoin roots.
Looks like it
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