Absolutely agree with this. Each territory is different. I believe it was ~builders who had shown profits recently. (Shout out to them, amazing work). But they're posting fees is 1ksats. Personally, I struggle to believe that my territory users would engage as much as they do with posting fees that high, but any lower and it seems the territory is unable to float itself. Especially when the number of posts perhaps day is largely dominated by my own dailies/weeklies. Now if owners could post for free, that would change things for sure. And I think that's something that SN should look into. I could feasibly edit the post cost. Make it free, post mine, then edit the price back up, but I don't feel good about that, feels somehow dishonest.
But all the time I am learning from other territories. As founders I think we can all learn something from each other.
42 sats \ 0 replies \ @mo OP 12 Mar
We’ll consider that wen you post you do it with a discount and it’s on the best interest of the territory itself. You can maybe try rising it gradually every month and see how it goes
I did a test with higher fees and an NSFW tag and instantaneously died. I relowered the posting fee and begged previous content posters to come back. However, it might have been loss of visibility with the NSFW deal. After I build more regulars I may do another test of higher posting fee, but I will look at average economic value for posters - or something like that.