Did you know that women used to express their emotions and feelings through weaving? Carpets and rugs are not just useful and eye-pleasing, they can also tell stories. However, it's quite sad that the majority of carpets and rugs these days are made to sell and with machines instead from a warm and creative human hand.
And it was used to weaved by young girls at home ( mostly before marriage ), they learned it from their mothers in childhood, so the weaving knowledge was passed down at home, and people were so skilled that they could weave with their own imaginations and even tell stories with them! For example, this Hands on Hips shape is one of the most popular motifs you often see in carpets or rugs, many people think this is the symbol of motherhood and fertility, but it's actually MORE than that, it's about creation, it's about loving and surrounding oneself with affection and compassion, it's about protecting and taking care of one's entire environment.
it's really interesting to learn about what women used to value VS the modern feminism.
I got one photo to show how it's being done in small workshops, still handmade, but with a pattern to guild instead of from their own imaginations, but when you go to the small villages, you can still see some old ladies just know how to DO it without any extra tools, amazing!
The world evolves, but humanity stands still. by Sam the Kid
and women used to be so skillful and powerful, not just being pretty and taking selfies. 👀
I appreciate beautiful women, but I admire even more those who are skilled and, above all, independent. I lived alongside many women who came from a time without electricity and scarce machinery. I admire their spirit of survival and perseverance.
looks like they are spinning the wool to yarn, it's magic! then you can play with the color with natural dyes.
I appreciate beautiful women, but I admire even more those who are skilled and, above all, independent.
agree! much powerful.
This was a demonstration of how sheep's wool was processed from shearing to the ball of yarn. Very impressive, in my area nobody does this anymore because it's no longer profitable.
still got some old ladies doing this in my area and wow fascinating!
is it this the tool how they clean the wool? I only got to see how it was being cleaned from videos.
one lady told me that people used to clean it with a flower called Sığırkuyruğu ( Mullein in English? ), then I was like why don't we keep using this to clean our clothes? 👀
I can't remember the name of this tool, but it was used to comb raw wool
wool comb 👀
it's really interesting to learn about what the women used to value VS the modern feminism.
...and here is what is doing modern feminism
now I'm really amazed by women who KNOW how to take care of things, from cooking to knitting, simple creations but tough work!
Do you think these specimens could cook, saw or take care of family (if they have one) ?
The society is doomed if we continue like that.
this is a cheap meme