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This post was inspired by @DarthCoin's post Liberate yourself!
A few years ago I realized that I was more in my head about freedom that actually putting it into action. I was acting like a victim. Like I had no agency. No ability to change my position. I was focused externally. It was easier to do that. That is what the world around us pushes us toward. Focusing on those that are the problem. Not focusing our our own areas for improvement. So, I started to get off my butt and do something. I can say that I am more free than I was a few years ago. I've learned most of these things I will share from others. I hope you find them helpful.

Free your mind

Stop thinking like a victim. Most people have been victimized at some point. If you see the state for what it is we all have been. But the most important thing about getting knocked down is getting back up. So stop thinking like a victim and start thinking like a victor. Start focusing on how you can become less dependent on "the system" and more of a resource for yourself and others.
Unplug from the spin machine. The system that is designed to keep you thinking about problems that aren't really problems for you or are problems you can't solve. Stop thinking about the world through the lens of 2 and 4 year politics. Stop thinking about the world through the lens of Red and Blue, right and left. Start focusing on what is in your control and those that are in your sphere of influence. Most of what we are told on the news and on social media by influencers is noise at best and a psyop at worst. Don't worry, your friends and family will tell you when stuff that you should be worked up about. You won't miss out. But I think most people do not understand how much of their minds are filled with noise and propaganda. They trick us into thinking it is important but it all seems to point to our need for politicians to stop something from happening. Weird how the answer to every crisis is to vote for some person to fix it for us. Isn't it? Remove the phrase "I can't" from your vocabulary. Instead say, "how can I"?

Consider Where You Live

Start thinking about how you can insulate yourself from the problems in culture, society, and the economy. Think about ways you can limit the negative affects of state control. This might be relocating. It might be moving 20 miles. In the US you live in several jurisdictions at once. The U.S.A, the state, the county within the state, and possibly a city. If you move out of a city into an unincorporated area you just eliminated one government system. But, there are things you can't avoid if you live in a state so don't think about relocation on only one layer of government and society. I'm not saying everyone should do this but think about this when you are considering what you want out of life. There are places within states that vary drastically as far as freedom goes. There are states that vary drastically as well. I assume some of this is also true in other countries but I'm sure there are differences. We had a good drill during the pandemic for what happens when people freak out. Look at how different cities, counties, and states reacted. Don't forget that. Don't be a follower. Don't move somewhere because others did. Think about what you like and don't like. Do some homework of your own. One place might be great for some people and terrible for others. It is your life. Take it back.

Self Improvement

Learn to grow at least some of your own food. The goal isn't just to not buy food but rather to learn the skill. What you will find is a deeper connection with nature. You will find it is easier than you thought. Some things will be hard but remember the goal is to learn HOW to do it. Not just to feed yourself. When things get bad you don't want to be learning a skill. It might be to late at that point.
I like the phrase Jack of all trades master of some. Don't be so much of a specialist that you are helpless outside of your field. Learn how to do basic home repairs. If you learn new skills it will make you more confident and more valuable to others. I find it truly sad how few people can actually fix things around their house. If that's you, you can change that. Learn first aid. Learn how your car works. Anything you depend on you should have at least a basic understanding about. I'm not saying everyone needs to be a handy man but our high time preference thinking has led to a society of helpless and hopeless people. For things like your automobile, if you don't learn the skills of repairing it, get to know someone that is skilled. Someone you can trust. They don't need to be a pro. I have done many repairs on my vehicles going back to my teens. I do not enjoy doing automotive work so I pay someone to do most of it. They can do it faster and cheaper (based on the value of my time). That said, I do know how to do most things and this knowledge is valuable. This principle can be applied broadly to many skills.
Learn how to learn. The most valuable skill I have every learned was learning how to learn. It is different for each person but you should learn to teach yourself new skills. Some people learn by watching. Some by reading. Others by doing. Most of us use a combination of all three. But work on that skill and it will help all other skill development.

Build Community

So, how do your find someone to help you with something you do not know how to do? Why would someone help you? Well, if you have worked on yourself. Learned new skills you will have value as well. You will be that expert or skilled person someone else calls when they need help. This is how community works and we undervalue it. Bitcoin is one of these things but if you are a programmer and you also have learned how to use bitcoin in a sovereign way you have more to learn. Get up from the computer and learn a physical skill. A great one to learn is electronics. Learn to solder. Start learning how to build simple projects. Learn some basic electrician skills like swapping power outlets.
Building community requires social skills. You might need to work on that as well. Don't be the jerk that can't have a relationship with anyone that doesn't agree with them on everything. I think you'd be surprised how many people there are around you that see many things as you see them. I know I have been. Build relationships first. People you can depend on. People that have your back. Don't focus on who they vote for or if they vote. That is short sighted. I'm not saying to be naive. Those things can be good signals but don't pigeon hole people. Build a tribe.

Prepare for likely events / disasters

Yes, we all should be prepared. One of the worst things in our culture has been to highlighting of crazy preppers. What's so bad about it is that you mostly hear about the people that are doing it wrong. Stocking up on toilet paper instead of having a supply of fuel. Building a bomb shelter instead of growing a garden. Being prepared actually requires some thought. What are the common natural disasters in your area. It is different for everyone. A common thing to have is some alternate source of power. A generator or battery. Acquire that. Learn how to use it. Test it once a month. Stock up on medical supplies. Not that crappy first aid kit at the store. Learn basic first aid. If you can buy a freezer and rotate your frozen food. Have enough to live on for at least two weeks. Do this with food you like. Not crap you won't eat. Also have a stock of MREs for if things really get bad.
Maintain at least 60 gallons of fuel that your vehicles use. You can buy 5 gallon cans and write 1-12 on them. Each month empty one into your vehicle and refill it. This way you never have fuel that has went bad. This is very handy as well. Some of you won't be able to do this because you don't live in a house but if you can, this is a great tip.

Plan for Home Defense

Yes, you should have deadly weapons if at all possible. Learn how to use them with skill. Your life may depend on it. Don't depend on the state authorities to protect you, your loved ones, and your property. Maintain a supply of ammo. Think and plan for what you will do if someone attacks you or invades your property. What would you do? If it happens you will not think, you will react and you need to plan for what you will do and maybe even train for it. Seek professional training unless you have a community with training. Be careful. The point of this is to increase your protection and safety so take precautions around weapon security.

Build Wealth

We all know bitcoin is key to this. But I think to many bitcoiners fail to see the value in building skills that are in demand. Needs that must be filled. Finding an alignment of skills you'd like to have and people in need of those skills is key to building wealth. If you are not challenging yourself in the work you do you are short bitcoin. Let me say that another way. If you are not living up to your potential then you don't truly value bitcoin or understand what it is. Bitcoin is not this magic thing discovered so you can be lazy. No, it is a tool to save the rewards of your labor in a money that can't be taken from you. That can't be inflated away. So if you aren't challenging yourself, you are short bitcoin. Even more importantly the rest of us need your unique abilities. I don't know what they are, but bitcoin can be a driver to push you to get out of your mom's basement and make something of yourself.
Its hard to be poor and free. In most places of the world wealth solves so many problems. Don't kid yourself. If you are poor, you have fewer options. Get out there and work.

Stop Depending on Corporate Systems

Stop depending on Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, etc. I'm not saying you should never use them. But are you dependent on them? Start using Nostr. Start using open source tools. Start trading with local farmers, ranchers, and skilled workers. These actions create more resilience into our world. Centralization is a risk.

Study Bitcoin. Don't Just Acquire It

Learn why it was created, how it works, and how to use it. You're on SN. That's a good start.

Don't Get Overwhelmed

Don't try to go from zero to 100 all at once. Make a prioritized list and start learning and doing things but do not expect yourself to do these things in one year, maybe not even five. It should be a life long pursuit and I think you will enjoy it. Right now just ask yourself. Am I more free today than I was yesterday? Last month? 1 year ago? 5 years ago?
If not, start working on changing that. Start in your mind. Remember. You don't need to out run the bear, you need to outrun the other guy running from the bear. You won't do it all perfectly but don't give up.
Great post. As always words are much easier than actions and most people who claim to want maximum freedom are larping. Myself included at times. My wife and I have been talking for years about acquiring a property in the US so we had a place to go if we got fed up of the Canadian nanny state. We were actively looking after the Trudeau governments actions in and around the trucker protest but now as things have calmed down over the past couple years we have gotten a bit complacent and not felt the urgency but when things are ok is the time we should be planning for the next "crisis".
I think there is always room for improvement and I like your notion of not trying to go zero to 100. Just have a goal and try to get a bit closer each day.
Yes, I saw this in myself. The larping. It is a battle to not grow complacent. I like to try and focus on baby steps. Relocating isn't a magic bullet but it might be the kind of shift that could revolutionize your life. In 2020-23 I witnessed many people relocate for "freedom" but while they may have saved a bit on their taxes nothing else changed for them. They are still in the same headspace and skill level they were before. But even my thoughts about them, while accurate are a distraction from myself.
Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.
Matthew 7:3-5
I think it is a matter of having a plan and being prepared rather than making drastic moves. We would prefer not to relocate we are happy and comfortable where we live but also recognize the way our government is flirting with tyranny. If there comes a tipping point where we think "ok it's time to go" it would be nice to have things in place to make that happen and not be scrambling.
Yes! Take vacations to places and visit with the mindset, would I want to live here. What would it be like. Try to not be a tourist but think like a local. Where do they go? What do they do?
visit with the mindset,
Well said. Took me 3 years wondering over a lot of mountains until I found the perfect place for my homesteading citadel. You have to free your mind for this task and let go all the worries behind.
Yes, it is VERY hard to think clearly when you are consumed by worries, fear, and dread. Getting outside, into nature is very underrated.
My wife and I have been doing a lot more of this lately.
What I've seen over the years in myself and others is that we tend to get worked up about what we are stirred up about by the machine. Most of this doesn't affect our day to day lives. But we have so much emotion about it. I've seen people complain about the income tax in their region while they pay very little of it. Move to a place where the property tax is far higher, but few people talk about the property taxes... They aren't thinking for themselves. For the context they have. For their goals in life. Thinking is hard work. That's why so few people do it.
Keep your powder dry. If the real estate market crashes, there might be some great opportunities for you.
Have you thought about getting a place in a desirable location (let's say eastern Tennessee) and using for Air BnB income, until you actually need to flee Canada?
I don't want to live in a big city but wouldn't be against a smaller city or a large town that is a popular tourist destination (similar to where I live now) so air bnb could be an option if I could find a trustworthy property manager.
Odd you mentioned Tennessee because after my response to this post. I was looking for data on states with the most freedom and Tennessee was high on the first list I found.
That's why I mentioned it. Plus, the mayor of Knoxville was the full-blown libertarian and retired professional wrestler Kane. It's also a very pretty area.
Yeah, he's right. Its a great area. I've spent time there myself. Tennessee in general is a great option. I really like the Knoxville area.
Tennessee has no state income tax, lower property taxes than Texas, and IMO better weather than much of Texas. Of course the weather and other things are subjective but I really love Tennessee.
Kane used to be the mayor of Knoxville?
All of I know of Knoxville is the Smokies (Double A baseball team) used to be an affiliate of the Blue Jays.
He is actually the current mayor. I just looked it up and he's still in office.
Ok it's settled. When Bitcoin hits your 44B price target by June. I will move to Knoxville and buy the Smokies, rename them the Stackers and stream all games on Stacker Sports.
They must have defined it narrowly. There is a heavy military presence in TN.
Great post. Thanks
Great post. This is very much how I've been thinking about freedom lately as well.
Voting with your feet is huge. That's probably the single most impactful move most people can make.
In the name of being prepared, I'd specifically recommend intermittent fasting (including dry fasting) to train your metabolism to go without, if need be. Like so many of the things I focus on, this is valuable in daily life as well.
I could have written more but I think I made my point. One more thought though.
Where I live, a rural area with many farmers the orange man is very popular. I get it. I see trucks with flags and signs about freedom all around. And yet I see many of these people living in debt. Slaves to Visa. Slaves to politics. They don't take the freedoms that they could take back for themselves. When I started to see this for what it was I started to think about myself and came to realization that I was doing the same thing.
The lesson is that it is much easier to see the faults and flaws in others but much harder to see them in yourself. It is of some benefit to see the flaws in others so we don't make the same mistakes. But it is much more valuable to see the areas for improvement in ourselves because these are things we can change.
Saved. Thanks for writing this.
What do we do when a disaster strikes and we can’t access the network to spend our sats? I think that we should have other things of value to be able to trade with our neighbors until we can access our sats.
Indeed, though the likelihood of long term comms outage is small. Food, tools, bullets, anything others would need can serve two purposes. Function and trade.
a top post, thank you. i am trying my small triple steps towards freedom by getting customers to pay me in bitcoin. i am also gradually destroying the bridges to the fiat money system to be able to live on a 100% bitcoin standard very soon. The same applies to my immediate circle of family and friends.
Great post! Thanks!
That is what the world around us pushes us toward. Focusing on those that are the problem. Not focusing our our own areas for improvement. So, I started to get off my butt and do something.
One of my professors said once at a conference,
I used to tell my students when I was still teaching: There's only one fundamental question in life - Are you part of the problem, or are you part of the solution? I have spent my life trying to be part of the solution, and I'm proud of it.
So, @kepford be proud of you.
Yes sir!
I have a long bucket list with many if these things on it.
Yes, you're right. Freedom or slavery, or be it any thought, are just the creation of your mind. You generally become what and how you think. You, yourself, are the creators of what you become and what you are. It's your face that you see in a mirror while standing in front of you. You can love it or hate it, all depends on you or your mind.
It starts in the mind. It doesn't end there. Unless your mind is weak. If you have a strong mind it can only be fooled for so long. Actions must follow for the mind to believe.
really good article! for reference, I'm FIGHTING for it ;-)
“Can you remember who you were, before the world told you who you should be.”
-- Charles Bukowski
I prefer to be free, build a community, join several organizations, because freedom makes me have ideas for creativity, and increases my mindset to develop more, and be free to be creative.
Great theme.
Preparedness is fascinating topic with infinite depth, taking step at a time is important. My household has taken some steps towards it recently:
  1. We don't grow yet foods, but we have utilized nearby forest to pick up berries and mushrooms. This year we learned about two new edible mushrooms which we found kind of plenty to eat and also to store for the winter. Also we picked up berries for the winter.
  2. Another thing has been container as a additional food storage. So there we have now food with which we could survive few weeks. In addition to actual crisis it helps also everyday life as every now and then there comes a situation where something runs out from the kitchen.
  3. We have gone through 72 hour preparedness material together. We still have some things to take into account, but awareness is beginning.
  4. As we have now up to date hiking gear, it also brings capacities to household such as the ability to cook without electricity (gas) and sleeping bags (during winter without eletrcity might be very cold up here).
Also from the original post, I want to start thinking more about the home defense.
Freedom does not come from outside. It comes from inside. PEACE OF MIND IS PRICELESS 🙏