I suck at Meme Monday, but I have a good one for next week. I'm just worried the competition will be too tough. Memes that aren't about Bitcoin don't count ;)
that's why you need friends to survive instead of a book. šŸ™Š
You used a simple image with no message. Many will not understand what you are trying to say. But this one, just adding a simple text and BTC logo, make things totally different. You send a powerful message
I see what you're saying. I thought it was more interesting because it wasn't obvious, but you're right. I'll add a sentence to my super meme. Thanks for the tip!
Muammar Gaddafi wasn't my friend. Bitcoin is šŸ˜‚
Your lack of knowledge about Bitcoin memers is disturbing... That guy is "Sheikh" Roberto a Bitcoin memer https://twitter.com/roberto_saudi
I swear it looked like Gaddafi! Apologies, Roberto :)
Even if was Gaddafi, what is wrong with Gaddafi? Apart from main stream media propaganda against him, he was loved by his people and he did a lot of good for his people. He was killed only when he defy US hegemony by saying that he want to create a currency backed by gold....
I didn't mean to imply that there was something wrong with him. I just don't have enough information to form an opinion.
indeed, a live meme making lesson šŸ‘€
WOW, šŸŽÆ Natalia is hitting hard. imagine if you were using a meme with this message - 1000 damage points šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
me thinking what should I make after that fun post šŸ¤£
sometimes, you see images from others and you think... "hey this image is good for a meme". Save it for later. make a folder with "meme templates".
Then later when you have a good phrase in mind, go to your secret memes templates folder and just add that text.
Memes are more like spontaneous ideas.
LOL now I have to write guides about how to make good memes? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
nah, you get it wrong. It doesn't matter if your MS Paint skills are bad. Important is the message, not how it looks. Sometimes even the ugliest images could be the best memes.
I'm aware, but thanks for bringing it up.
I wish you to win the next Monday meme contest