In my experience Islamaphobes have extremely little experience knowing Muslims. The dang greeting translates to Peace be unto you! How's that for a starting place?!
The dang greeting translates to Peace be unto you!
yes - salam alaykum, then you reply with alaykum salam. ( peace be upon you )
also it's not just about fasting but about sharing and connecting too, and one of the interesting things about fasting: people usually break the fast with dates:
Dates are easily digested, making them a quick source of energy and nutrients. Eating dates after a long day of fasting can help the body’s blood glucose levels quickly return to normal
and one of the things I like during this time is the special Ramadan food! Especially Güllaç in Turkey; it's made with milk, rose water, and pomegranate, and it's so GOOD that you want to eat it every day, but it's usually only sold during Ramadan, but ofc you can make it at home.