I wasn't sure which territory to post this to. It could have been philosophy. I love this quote:
When Heaven is about to confer a great office on a man, it first exercises his mind with suffering, and his sinews and bones with toil,
I like this one too:
Greatness comes from character and character isn’t formed out of smart people – it’s formed out of people who suffered,
"Character is destiny." is one of my wife's favorite quotes.
Is character inherent or cultivated?
The Aristotelian view is that character is a result of practicing the virtues until they become habit.
I am surprised Jensen wasn't removed by campus security for making students feel unsafe by suggesting they will need to struggle and suffer in life to get where they want to go. Heresy.
Full stop that’s proof of work!
I think I’ve had my quota of that wish so my wish is for it to go where it is productive.
NGL, I normally don't bother with Zerohedge (just not a writing style I enjoy), but this was a genuine gem (both the writing and the video itself).
The site usually reprints articles from elsewhere, so you never know what will turn up.
Very Buddhist except for the heaven part
This is the opposite of DEI