Thanks everyone for your feedback in this thread, I shared the thread internally so @k00b and @kr will definitely see it. I also think daily rewards were better.
Since I don't want to rewrite what I wrote in our internal Slack, I'll just copy paste my message:
i think the sentiment of stackers regarding MSM is bad. i think i mostly read people complaining about it and not many who think it's good, especially after we were a few days in (i don't think there are many who (still) like it but are silent).
if i could choose between daily rewards as before and monthly rewards as is now i would be very in favor of daily rewards since i think that system was working well. afaik, the main reason for MSM was to experiment, incentivize long-term contributions and making it more fun.
however, i think the daily rewards were good enough: if you didn't contribute in a day, you missed out on rewards for that day. so the better you get at "playing SN", the more rewards you get every single day. and seeing a daily notification and your placement was fun enough imo. the effect of getting your first daily reward notification should also not be understated. wasn't that a very good way to get people hooked on SN?
so all in all, i think we should go back to daily rewards next month and rethink what problem we have and want to solve with changes to daily rewards.
Keep in mind that this is just my personal opinion based on my own experience and what I read from stackers about MSM the past weeks.