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Global Energy Consumption:
Residential Building: 26,481 TWh Air Conditioning: 6,283 TWh Health Care: 3,716 TWh Gold Mining: 571 TWh Bitcoin Mining: 253 TWh Computer Games: 214 TWh
But yes, bitcoin mining is what's going to destroy the planet.
Disclaimer: bitcoin mining energy consumption is obviously going to go up over the years, but these numbers are not anywhere close to what some of the media would have you believe.
Don't forget to also include the environmental destruction from gold mining... Mercury and cyanide aren't exactly good for your health
Virtue signalers will forever yell about the energy footprint of Bitcoin, but never think to dry their clothes outdoors or avoid Christmas lights. It's the same type of people who feel good about themselves by driving electric cars that are built on the backs of children laborers in some obscure mine in the East.
Very sad that this fact is seldom in the debate. Comparisons to small countries or things like Christmas lights are so more widespread but much less relevant.
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