That everybody will embrace it. I was wrong. For many years I hoped and helped many people to embrace it, but in the end I realized that Bitcoin is only for brave men, not for the weak. WE WILL NEVER HAVE HYPERBITCOINIZATION. Why? Because people are dumb and idiots. Example here:
162 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek 19 Mar
That looks staged af. The guy never simply said how much worth a bitcoin is. That would have progressed the conversation beyond "you are so dumb" - "no u".
Doesn't mean conversations like this don't happen though. But when I see something like this on social media or especially TikTok, that's like exactly what people want to see. Something that doesn't challenge them, gives them an emotional response which includes making them feel superior because they see something that's easy to understand: Girl sooo dumb. Boy sooo smart. Like me. Me sooo smart.
Please go on the street and do the same experiment. You will be stunned about how many will do the same as in his video. I did it myself few times. is fucking true. PEOPLE ARE FUCKING IDIOTS.
They are fucking idiots but that doesn't look like a normal conversation flow to me.
The other thing is that everyone doesn't have to embrace it. The vast majority are second handers and followers.
second handers and followers.
meaningless sheeps. I piss on them. Literally. No remorse. the scumbags of the Earth...
You're going to have to drink a lot of water to piss on that many folks.
I piss everyday on SN shitcoiners... And I drink a lot of beer. plenty to have enough to piss on shitcoiners so... BE AWARE ! Don't shitcoin on me ! I will piss on you!
Unfortunately, when you piss on others, there are high chances that you get pissed back. So, I stay away from pissing on others, and keep learning.