I have a Macbook pro that needs a change, but instead of disposing it, I think I can make it work as my node?
is that possible? It has a 3.1 GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i5
Any tutorials?
Yes, just download https://bitcoincore.org/en/download/ and done. If you do not run also a LN node, you don't even need to keep it 24/7 open. Is enough to let it sync when you want to do your own txs.
You can even setup to store tha blockchain on an external drive, because will take quite a lot of GB, so to not struggle your regular drive of your laptop, you can configure it to store it on external.
Then you can go further, installing a Sparrow wallet app on the same laptop or any other PC and connect it to your brand new Bitcoin node. More details here: https://www.sparrowwallet.com/docs/
This is the way
absolutely. might want to add an SSD minimum 1TB.