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I am slowing down my SN posting, otherwise Car will call me again on SNL because I am posting too much.
someone is slowing you down?
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I want Natalia to post more stuff. Siggy is travelling but I still hope is coming back with a nice story. Still waiting for that story about the island...
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maybe shall hack this matrix. 👀
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it's really funny how using different ways to show rewards can really change people's behavior, but what it really doing is a. new stackers won't even get to share the cake b. from 2- 64 are probably the same or less than what they used to stack, but the first takes the most, so everyone complete to be that one.
c. the site and territory owners are making more revenue
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I think these experiments are valuable and the site is still young, so now is the time to do this stuff.
indeed, then why
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it seems doing the opposite? 😂