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Excellent article, although after nitpicking the author in places, he then misspells Satoshi?
Also BitCoin
Also, we found the last person alive to write the capital C 😂
The current situation, where there are only a few giant mining pools that in a way act as mint, and a few trading sites that act as banks, is not mentioned. This has resulted in limiting privacy (because the network that exchanges transactions is small), and also in less democracy (because the mining network operators determine the code base).
What is meant by the part in bold (emphasis mine)? Do miners decide what code to run? Isn't this the nodes' job? Probably I'm just misunderstanding what is meant.
Really good review. I am sold. Just a few clicks from buying this book.
I'm not that old like you. I mean in Bitcoin. My view of Bitcoin is that it is clearly by far the biggest invention of our times. It's simple yet so complex. I think the more time you be with Bitcoin, the more you understand it. It requires a lot of patience to understand miracles, that Bitcoin is.
Yeah it sure seems like an interesting book, it's on my "maybe" list - for now.
BitCoin ≠ Bitcoin