I have been staying up quite late recently because I can't really sleep well until I sort out my priorities—trying to see what makes more sense to focus my energy on in a world full of interesting things to learn and cool problems to solve. Most people are lazy to learn or do things, but I have too much curiosity, so I constantly need to remind myself to slow down and focus.
So what I did was I used a piece of blank paper and a pen write down ALL the info I had gathered and the options and what they might lead to, trying to see what made more sense.
Curious, what are Stackers' priorities now? if it's okay to share. 👀
Going back to my citadel is my always main priority. I am just preparing my backpack and tools, waiting for a weather window to go. That citadel must be done ASAP. Right now I am like this car...
Nice gif! I still waited 20 seconds for the car to start moving or for the tires to start burning. Ahahahah
I thought cowboy ride horses. 👀
This is an interesting question. Is hp (horsepower) really related to electrical power?
1 hp = 732 watts. Someone in the past defined that the strength of a horse was equivalent to 732 watts of electrical power.
hp - horse power :)
Where do you store all your meat when you camp there? 🤔 What's in your pack food wise, canned stuff? Nonperishables?
I do not stay many days, especially now in the spring. The longest stay was 2 weeks. Then I go back to refill for 2-3 days and again 1-2weeks. Depending on how is the weather. So yes sometimes I take some freeze meat with me for the first 1-2 days. I can keep it in a portable freezer I have there too. But usually I have a stock of canned food, ready meals. Really good and handy. I take also fresh fruits, vegetables, cheese, salami etc. I do not eat a lot, I prefer more nuts, cashu, almonds. And lots of beers :)
So yeah when I go, my backpack is like 20kg that I carry it like 8km through the forest trail.
how many beers do you carry with each reloads 😂
at least 14 cans. Sometimes I go back to my car and reload if I stay longer.
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ah no, the walls were covered with a tarp and well prepared for snow. I am not worried too much about that. I am worried about wild animals entering on the on the premise and make a mess with my stuff.
what wild animals could possibly be there?
Boars, foxes, martens, deers are quite a lot around. The boars are very curios and can damage a lot. then are the small ones, squirrels and mouse that can do damage. Bears and wolfs are not there.
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I have a friendly one, play around with me. I gave her some nuts. Also one boar that became friendly now, leaving him some bread to eat, so this way will not come inside the camp.
I like to be friendly with nature and animals, disturbing as less is possible their habit. But if is coming the day I need to hunt (for food) that boar, I will not hesitate.
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Everyone has their own life and different priorities. What works for me might not work for you. In my opinion, the first priority is to secure a livelihood through work. The second priority is family, friends, and leisure. Finally, everything else comes after. I hope this helps!
Everyone has their own life and different priorities.
indeed, but I'm curious how things will change in different life stage, and we have people in different age here.
Yes, age and life circumstances set the priorities. From what I observe from my friends, the priority is their children.
Winning Million Sats Madness ofc
On a serious note, I wanna accumulate enough sats to pay for my town conservancy bill. My country has recently enabled LN payments for essential services. I’m so excited!
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In the digital sense you have too many tabs open.
correct! but then how can you know what's more interesting if you don't open and have a look in the first place?
It's quite simple.
  • what you didn't finish until now but is not affecting your regular life, it is not important, so you can put it on a "parked" mode.
  • what you feel you need it "now" is what you focus.
Life goes on and usually people are struggling to make "priorities" from nothing. Just let the life and instinct telling you what you need in that moment. Is much fun. Don't worry, be happy.
Don't worry, be happy.
I'm like this, barely plan anything just let it flow.
But then, damn, there are so many fun things to get my hand dirty in, I def had fun doing them, but then I also thought am I wasting my time playing around without digging deeper.
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Picture yourself wandering around a craft market; you rely on someone (a stall holder) to curate items you may like and you can choose and compare one at a time.
that's exactly where I am now, and I'm secretly really jealous of those who can make things from scratch and spent 40-50 yrs on ONE thing, I mean, how can they even know this is THE thing you want to do with their life?
the only thing I'm really sticking is writing, but then I still want to learn to make something with my hand ( in a deeper level ) , and a bit hard to choose atm.
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I learned bookbinding for about a month, was quite fun but I realized it's not really for me. 👀
It may not feel it but skills build onto each other over the course of a lifetime
could be, maybe I just keep playing around / verifying, without thinking too much. 🙊
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It felt the same when I started to be a nomad—I didn't know where I wanted to live, and it took me a few years to figure out what kind of places I really enjoy.