She's quite a fan of the Communards 🤣🤣 unfortunately for both mum and dad I've screen shared my phone to the TV. And we're listening to everything in this thread.
And loving all of it.
this territory is moderated
If she likes that 80s pop sound she will like the one I just posted.
Oooooo crowded house. That's a really strong submission.
It's close and that cavo cover is absolute 🔥 but I think she's leaning with her loyalties towards crowded house.
I prefer the cavo cover personally, that's fantastic. That falsetto flip was flawless, absolutely nailed it.
When I was playing it to test to make sure the link and video were working my daughter said "I like that song"
So I started singing it and said "do you want me to play that song on guitar"
She replied "NO"
Gunna have to hear you play GR...
Speaking of.. when I finally work out how to get an audio file onto SN... I can finally give @siggy47 a version of Coinkite blues. (No I hadn't forgotten I'm just incompetent, and want to do a better version now I don't sound full of cold)
I almost forgot about that! I'm looking forward to it.
If @k00b @kr @ek and the Devs get us a way to upload audio ;) then it'll be all up in your inbox.
Until then however... I might be able to DM you on Nostr ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ that could work 🤔 but I like to keep it all on SN. It's just a better place to be.
I could create an anonymous YouTube account, and then post up to it with no video, maybe that works?
But someway somehow I'll get you Coinkite blues with Pub on vocals.
I'm counting on it.
I think you can do audio stuff on nostr. I have seen people jamming on there before. No idea how it works.