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In the spirit of differentiating Nostr from an X Clone or some simpleton understanding I thought it would be good dialogue to explain how each Nostr user utilizes the protocol or in the very least, utilizes the interoperability of your nsec.
I use a multitude of social clients to test and play around with. Mainly Damus, Primal and Nostur on mobile.
I use Coracle, Snort and Primal on Desktop.
I use Nostr Nests once a week to record Plebchain Radio and listen in / chat from time to time. I use Fountain to upload the show and listen to podcasts. I use Wavlake to listen to music. I use Stacker News as a forum. I watch live shows on Zap.Stream. I watch live musical acts on Tunestr. I schedule Nostr PHX local meetups on Flockstr. I store media on Nostr.Build. And the most valuable use… I always zap content, engage and appreciate.
Otherwise my Nostr experience is trying new clients and testing what may interest me.
This is how I Nostr. You?
I'm still a little confused by Nostr. I'm new here at Stacker, so I'm still figuring everything out. I came to your post to see where I could start with Nostr. In use is usually how I learn best. I noticed you listed Stacker as Nostr use, which confuses me because I'm not using Nostr with Stacker.
While SN is not a true Nostr Client, as of now at least I use my Nostr Browser Extension to sign in. NoStore for mobile and Alby for desktop.
  1. I use Amethyst on mobile
  2. Snort on desktop
  3. Fountain to listen to podcasts
  4. Stacker News as a forum/news outlet
  5. Nostr build for media uploads
I do pretty much the same. Add to this: nostr market
Wow. You are making good use of nostr. Amazing.
More will come. There are plenty of directions to take your experience. This is how Nostr becomes catered to you. Quite fascinating to see the ecosystem build out.
Very simple usage for now:
  • Damus on IOS/MacOS
  • StackerNews on web/pwa
I was wondering if there is any slack-like, group chat apps on nostr?