especially if he stop writing about "AI bullshit crap" and politicians... Nobody gives a shit about those.
I would assume that people would be interested in actually seeing what is going on and what Congress is looking to do or is doing in the space. I think it only makes sense that people know what is going on I mean transparency is good right?
Congress is a scam, all politicians are liars, why would people spend time with that garbage. Politicians are not doing anything in your service, only in THEIR service. Stop being a shitizen slave. Make them obsolete just by rebutting their any authority over you. You are the master not them.
I truly dont know where to begin to explain to you how this all works. Almost all legislation doesn't come from a Member of Congress but rather from the Committee who wrote the legislation. Those Committees are staffed mostly with 20-30 year olds. How Members vote what gets prioritized that's all their staff.
LOL statist gonna do statist thing, always. I don't give a shit about all that political crap !
We are not gonna make it...