“You must value learning above everything else.” Robert Greene, “Mastery” That is a great book on the subject and I think the quote summarizes for me the core aspect of a master - the desire, capability and need to keep on learning. A good teacher never ceases to be a student. Of course, besides the child-like sense of awe and wonder, in order to be considered a master, one should also display the characteristics of a wise adult, harnessing and utilizing their time and energy in order to gain the knowledge and experience required to excel in their domain. Tl;dr: PASSION AND QUALITY OF WORK are, in my humble opinion, the main signs of a master or someone on the way of becoming one. Sounds like you are on that path, kudos. As for me, I've yet to achieve mastery in any craft. My interests have been too varied, focus too all over the place. However, I reckon I've built a solid baseline of knowledge and learned about the interconnectedness of many disciplines, so I'm excited to see where all this takes me.
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