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For me there's nothing like using hopping on YT for a quick tutorial or to learn about something new.
Hands down the best person to go to for this is BTC Sessions.
He has content for almost every bitcoin related thing you could need. Plus, he uses a Mac with GUIs (graphical user interface) instead of Linux with CLI (command line interface). So it's more accessible to me as a fellow Mac user.
Notable playlists include:
  1. Bitcoin Privacy
  2. Hardware Wallets
  3. Bitcoin Multisig
  4. Non KYC Bitcoin
  5. Bitcoin Nodes
  6. Lightning Nodes
  7. Lightning Wallets
  8. Getting Started
  9. Bitcoin Desktop Wallets
  10. Bitcoin Mobile Wallets
Honorable mentions go to the following channels:
  1. Ministry of Nodes for K3tan's Ubuntu focused content. Check it out if your keen to use CLI.
  2. 402 Payment Required for more technical help setting up Bitcoin and privacy tools. Also using CLI. His PGP fingerprint is A786 CA10 5A72 50D7 96BF 6641 979A C054 5BB0 9083.
  3. TFTC is basically a podcast, but I'll put it here because he does shoot video for his (Marty's) interviews.
  4. Andreas Antonopoulos' channel. Andreas is a Bitcoin OG. Most people who got into the space for more than just "number go up" listened to some of his early talks. He is extremely eloquent and influential. And he's been living off only bitcoin for about a decade now.
  5. Samourai Wallet is an excellent tool, so it's worth knowing about their channel. Their tagline is, "Samourai is a bitcoin wallet for the street. Keep your transactions private, your identity masked, and your funds secure."
  6. Bisq has tutorials on their site as well if you plan to use their services to buy non KYC bitcoin.
I would just hazard you to spend more time doing than learning. It's easy to fall into the trap of queuing up dozens of videos trying to learn a new thing. It's much better in my opinion to only look for the videos you need as you need them. E.g., you want to set up a Samourai wallet on your phone. Then go to BTC Sessions and see if he has any videos on that. Go to Samourai wallet's channel and see any videos they have that helps you understand the product better.
Hope this has been helpful 🙇🏻‍♂️
You've missed one of the best of the best for any new coiner to start: Ioni Appleberg channel
Samourai is a bitcoin wallet for the street
I do not agree with that, in the year of 2024, the Lightning year. You have to be insane to do onchain payments nowadays. Onchain is exclusively for opening/closing LN channels. Lightning is for "the streets", LN is THE PAYMENT NETWORK. Onchain is the settlement.
The time of using Samourai as main wallet is over. That was used in the pre-LN era.
Haven't heard of that channel! Too be honest I stopped watching YT tutorials a long time ago. Now I just look for a teams github. I made this article like a year ago. I'm slowly posting all my blog posts from <expatriotic.bearblog.dev> As for Samourai, it's still useful I think as a cache (middle layer) wallet, but I agree that having Zeus in your stack is crucial nowadays.
Too be honest I stopped watching YT tutorials a long time ago. Now I just look for a teams github.
Me too. I know you post this for newbies and you did very well. Are many newbies here that should know these. This is the right information and not bullshit charts about ETF and price. Education about how to use Bitcoin is all that matter. Our duty is only to keep these good info guides available and not post garbage.
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You have to be insane to do onchain payments nowadays.
If you're dealing with thousands of dollars, I assumed Lightning is not suitable and for Bitcoin the amount doesn't matter. I still have to dive in to understand how it works with liquidity in Lightning. E.g. in Mutiny wallet I can't receive anymore, because my inbound liquidity is almost fully used. I probably need to read your guides, but would appreciate a bit of advice :-)
I'm using @zeus LN wallet by @evankaloudis and I've got 10 mil inbound 5 mil inbound with @phoenix Just send LN sats to your wallet and an LSP channel will open with inbound liquidity. Ready Zeus docs or hop into the chat and ask. @zeusLN in telegram
Love to see you moving off substack. Didn't like the vibes there. prefer bearblog.dev Github is good though, I wasn't familiar enough with github when I launched my blog. I'm getting more used to it now.
Dude, MPP is on by default for me but atomic MPP isn't. Do I click both? (for big payments)
AMP is for receveing, as a static invoice. For example you go to Zeus and create an invouce and activate AMP. You put the amount and you can share the same invoice multiple times. Many payers can pay the same invoice. https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/111069/how-can-amp-invoices-be-static-in-lightning
Thank you!
Thanks for sharing this. Bookmarked it for learning more.
Thanks for sharing this. This was very helpful especially Bisq. I didn't know about something like that exist.