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I want
Give me a suite of rooms in Ritz hotel, I wouldn't want it Chanel jewellery, I wouldn't want it Give me a limousine, what would I do with that? Pay a staff for me, what would I do with them? A manor-house in Neufchatel, I'm not meant for that Buy me the Eiffel Tower, what would I do with that?
I want love, joy and cheerfulness Your money won't buy me happiness I just want to die with a hand on my chest Let's go together discover my freedom Let you forget all your stereotypes Welcome into my reality
I'm sick of your good manners, they're more than I can take I eat with my hands - that's just the way I am I'm loud and straightforward, pardon me Down with hypocrisy, I'm outta here! I'm sick of their wooden language Just look at me, anyway I don't bear a grudge and that's the way I am!
I want love, joy and cheerfulness Your money won't buy me happiness I just want to die with a hand on my chest Let's go together discover my freedom Let you forget all your stereotypes Welcome into my reality
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