Using SN on mobile is lame and you miss a lot of "goodies". Mobile should be used exclusively for answering mom/wife calls and pay with LN wallets. Nothing else.
Can't agree with you fully there Darth. Although like you highlighted I do miss some goodies, I am able to respond to my "customers" which is kinda what users inside my territory are. They get almost instant responses from me because I can get to it from my pocket whilst at work (I don't really do a desk job). So in that respect, I'd say mobile allows me to connect and respond quicker to the users in my territory, which has shown to bear fruit, if people are engaging, you have to catch them whilst they're engaged and keep them that way. If you get to it several hours later, sadly you've probably missed the enthusiasm they had at the time. In this regard mobile has been invaluable, but I do prefer to use desktop when I can.
If you get to it several hours later, sadly you've probably missed the enthusiasm they had at the time
In a "business" driven by engagement it is imperative that I foster a good customer service relationship and capitalise on the enthusiasm my customers show. Doing that has been really rewarding as I'm seeing return customers coming back daily. The territory is a long way off being self sufficient, but it's these little things that will eventually turn into large strides.
I admire your passion n perseverance for it!
I just hope I can continue to provide that service and not get priced out of it :/ we shall see I guess.
Really? So what exclusive benefits do laptop users derive out of SN?