Even though I'm old, I can relate more to you than I could to my dad. I don't envy people your age. The world has gotten fucked up, and it wasn't great to start with. I hope this isn't trite, but we are on Stacker News. You have an opportunity to pursue something you love- bitcoin. Maybe you don't feel like I do, but if I was younger I would be learning code and become a dev. It seems like the perfect way to support yourself while making the world a better place. The old cliche, find something you love, and you won't work a day in your life. Hell, I would do that now, at my age, if I had any aptitude for it.
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117 sats \ 1 reply \ @Fabs OP 2 Apr
"and it wasn't great to start with." Should I be glad or sad that I've missed that? 😜
"You have an opportunity to pursue something you love- bitcoin."
Oh, I do! Bitcoin really is my "rock in the surf", so to speak, but nothing I could meaningfully contribute to in that way, as I'm simply not the type of a coder or developer or the likes... I hate working with computers and screens all day. 😵🤭.
"The old cliche, find something you love, and you won't work a day in your life."
Work will always be a necessary evil for me, that, I'm pretty sure of...