This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Connected with some old friends from middle school. It felt so weird. Nostalgia really kicked in and it's crazy how we've changed so much...and how deep into bitcoin I am now.
If you are ever curious about major construction projects happening in the USA I highly recommend you sign up for the Associated General Contractors (AGC) Smart Brief. (
New to this forum and I’m already addicted. Way too much fun to send/receive value for free with no banks involved. Way better than earning karma on Reddit for example. Trying to spread the word as much as possible and onboard more newbies 🧡
This is my new go-to place. Reddit is useful if you follow the right people (some OGs and devs post there), but it's also swamped by moonboys and butters. Stacker has higher signal to noise IMO.
Did my 1st pull request ever on github today... Just a little translation work for but nonetheless that feels good to help!
Brewing a fresh cup ☕ , about to go read my Bible. Scrolling SN enjoying the fresh perspective on everything BTC brings
I keep seeing comments in Russian. Common sense indicates that SN is meant to communicate in English.
I happen to be able to understand those comments, but I find it rude. It's on them to pass them through a translator.
So the two solutions would be
  • have a button to autotranslate responses
  • have ability to select your languages (e.g. EN and JP) in your profile settings and then content would be filtered only to those languages. And then if you are posting new post/comment and have multiple default languages, then the UI could ask you which one you are using for your post (just quick buttons).
i think over time, the right approach to solving this problem is to allow users to set the languages they know in their profile settings.
a user who only knows english will only see english content, and users who know multiple languages will see content in those languages.
that way we don’t need to segregate subs for discussion in specific languages, or annoy people who don’t know many languages.
In a modern browser it should autotranslate or at least be very easy to translate so I don't mind
I think it's only 2 accounts by probably the same person having very weird, unnatural conversations. 😂😂
Nah man, I don't agree with this take. It's good for the network for communities to form in various languages. The people who need Lightning and Bitcoin the most are typically not living in English-speaking countries :)
it would be better if there's a dedicated language tag for them for sorting/filtering.
Like me :) I am from a non-English speaking country with 50%+ annual inflation.
Let's agree to disagree. If they can read and reply to messages in English they should be able to copy and paste through a translator so we can all benefit from what they have to say.
Fourth day in a row rocking it with React :) Added a usd to sats converter at to quickly calculate the amount of sats which would have been stacked.
Next I'm putting my hands on adjusting the tone on the cards to make it less offensive and more encouraging to save in bitcoin, as suggested here by @sb. Will likely leave an option to shame close friends with the cards which already exist.
Have a great Bitcoin Monday!
This is such a great community - cheers 🤝🏼
Feeling the same 🧡
I encountered the most peculiar scam today.
The sammer send me 12 words via a public tweet, so it looks like an accident. I tried out the wallet (why not, I have nothing to loose) and the shitcoin app Exodus dold me there were a thousand USDT in it. However it is a stablecoin on Tron or something (?) that requires Tron to be bought and burned or something? before one can move them.
That's a really bizarre and elaborated scam. I did know that Exodus listed shitty shitcoins but I didn't know they were listing actual scams.
I wish I had the time and the knowledge how this scam was implemented. Their blockchain must have some sort of smart contract which somehow denies transactions before receiving more and instantaneously exchange it to Bitcoin and send it to the scammer, I assume?
I also really really want to know who made this scam because if the programming time & effort he could have easily planned a Walmart heist. And if it's him or some script kiddy? Just out of curiosity on how professionalized this industry already is.
  1. They put some tokens in the wallet worth some money.
  2. When someone thinks they hit the lotto, they add ETH or whatever gas they need to transfer the tokens out.
  3. As soon as you add gas, it’s immediately sent to their private wallet.
  4. They code it in so no way around it.
Something like that.
I saw this last year but with another shitcoin. Watched the wallet for a couple of months, victims getting ETH stolen while the fees were very high, until the activity stopped.
Clever scam, and interesting too in that everyone that lost money thought they were ripping someone else off. I don't support it, but I didn't feel very bad for them either.
That's pretty clever, ngl
i nearly finished to read Mastering Bitcoin from Andreas
I though it gonna be harder, as i m not developper, but at the end i managed to understand more or less everything :)
That's really awesome! Well done!
Not easy! Congrats, well done
Someone posted about wanting a SN app... As someone deep into teaching myself Swift / SwiftUI I'd love to work on a 3rd party client for iOS. Even though I feel the web client is more than sufficient.
Does this idea violate any SN rules @k00b?
I'm not dense enough to believe I am the best person for this job, but it feels like a great learning opportunity and I would happily open source the project.
There's no API (yet).
Yeah this alone will prevent me from touching the project, but I am working on other aspects of my project and will integrate this when/if an API becomes available. Can always lop it off into a stand alone app if people want that as well.
I would be happy to use a decent 3rd party client and let @k00b focus on bigger and better things. Although, I would like to see it on Android too :)
How about making a PWA and simply adjusting the the web app so it scales better on mobile? I think that way there's less hustle and no need to build an app for every platform :) Edit: also an issue with Swift is that it requires that the developer uses an Apple computer.
I like this idea as well. The only reason I want to build it natively in Swift is for my personal learning experience. However, there is no API as of right now so its not really feasible to build.
With that said, I am working on a personal project to build out a nice dashboard app. When/If an API becomes available, I will add it to the functionality of my app and will break it off if people want something stand alone.
I got you :) It's been like four years since I haven't touched Swift, but if you haven't already, be sure to check Alamofire for http networking :)
I agree, but I personally don't have the skill set to make that happen. Frankly, I am not sure that I have the chops to build it for iOS yet either, but want to leverage it as a learning opportunity. Learning is best done with a project you are passionate about, and this feels like a good focus.
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