I finally entered the world of nostr.
It took longer to get going than I expected it to, but being thorough is what this is all about. Ensuring that I'm setting things up as I want them. Knowing why things are set up as they are. Understanding the terminology and why it's used.
I can't lie, it's frustrating at times. The old paradigm makes this much easier, but it's at the expense of your freedom.
So, anyway... I had a goal of at least having the basics set up for nostr, and I did it.
There was a slight derailment into posts about inheritance by @kepford (#169107) and @grayruby (#169018) which sort of blew my mind. I'll have to touch on that later.
Again, many thanks to the helpful guides by @Natalia (#471366) and @Darthcoin -
Other excellent resources that I'll be going back to -
The most challenging concepts/processes for me were -
-The Lightning Address -The Lightning Wallet -The NIP-05 Verification -How to actually set up your profile in a nostr social media client
These details were not easy to understand for me (and I'm still only grasping them at the basic level,) but with the help of these resources, and actually doing the work, I was able to start putting the pieces together.
Any suggestions for improvement, I'm all ears (or eyes, in this case.)
Now I have another goal in mind. As I've started exploring Primal, questions surrounding the concept of private vs. public persona are top of mind, but I'll leave that subject for another post.
Mutiny, Fountain, and Stacker News have cool nostr integrations. Zap.stream is cool for watching live rips and zapping freaks. Wavlake is V4V music on nostr. Unleashed.chat and CASCDR have cool nostr AI integrations. #Zapathon is 5-530 Thursday and Friday night.
It’s still early, but the pace of development is pretty wild.
Glad to see new adopters still coming to Nostr.
50 sats \ 1 reply \ @Cje95 3 Apr
Thank you for writing this up to help out! I only just started posting here a few weeks ago and have seen Nostr mentioned but haven't looked into it yet. These resources are gladly appreciated!
You're welcome! If I can be of any extra help, in my limited knowledge, just let me know.
J am still trying to enter there. Hopefully your post will take me through.
Good luck! These were the resources that helped with my roadblocks, but there are plenty of details in all of them to help you complete the task.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @nym 3 Apr
Welcome to the party! I joined in 2022.
I gave you a follow on Primal earlier today.
private vs. public persona are top of mind, but I'll leave that subject for another post.
I am glad you understand that concept. Many don't.
Nice post! Keep going forward.
save this "Nostr Toolbox" page in your bookmarks. You will find many good tools for nostr, especially the ones to make backup of your follows and notes. You will need it, if you do not run your own replay.
Ohh nice! Thank you for the share!
I'm not sure if I totally understand the private vs. public concept just yet, but I'll be dissecting that one cause I do know it's important.