Why does price determine failure? Did the bitcoin cash network go down? Are there less variety of miners/pools than btc?
Long term price compared to bitcoin (which is its direct competitor) is just the simplest way to look at the success of bitcoin cash. If BCH were at $70k 7 years after the fork and BTC Core was <$700, I think it'd be safe to say BCH won the blocksize war.
BCH is largely abandoned and not taken seriously compared to BTC. At the end of the day, currency is still just built on trust and the value that people decide to give it. People largely decided that Bitcoin holds value because it's more secure.
The book listed above goes into further detail, but yeah, for the most part, the network abandoned BCH and stuck with BTC.
Here's a website that has been tracking both since the fork: https://fork.lol
BCH also has <1% of the hashrate if you want to classify failure in that way versus price collapse: https://fork.lol/pow/hashrate