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I've recently acknowledged that I can- and should improve myself in regards to privacy and being financially sovereign with Bitcoin, and thus, I've started writing again.
I've got some points in mind already, but I would like to see if there's more which I could add to my list.
Any input's welcome!
No inputs from me. However I can relate with what you say here. This is the same with me and I also want to add up to my list of learning points.
Hm, maybe you'll find something of interest in my write-up :)
I'm glad you're doing this. I'm working out ideas on how to reward stackers who provide good original content here, with the goal of including them in the learning resources page.
For me, I like @DarthCoin 's plans where he describes being your own bank in one of his guides, including his "Uncle Jim" stuff.
My pleasure. I indeed have already read that particular guide, might come in handy.
I've also read your post about the last weekly top posts and how you might move on in regards to "rewarding" them. Any ideas come to mind since then?
Yes. I will announce it later, but tentatively I plan a zap award as well as a post zap split for the top 5 posts weekly. It will be broken down as follows:
  1. 2500 sats
  2. 1000 sats
  3. 500 sats
  4. 500 sats
  5. 500 sats
This will start next week. I also will move up the time to 9:00am Friday morning. This will improve visibility in many time zones. I will post the top 5 winners shortly after 9:00am every Friday morning.
Looks good to me. In my opinion, these "extra's" should merely motivate people to put in some actual work or go the extra mile, and not be the sole purpose for posting, which you could achieve quite nicely with the above.