I'm going to start picking out an old, very popular post to feature each week as a sort of golden oldie.
That's a great idea. I recall someone pitching an idea for SN to feature something like "the best all-time posts from this date" as a way of resurrecting great content.
I always thought that was a good idea. Before territories I used to toy with the idea of putting out a recurring post featuring one old post from SN's first year.
Sometimes I browse the top all-time posts, to see if I missed anything good. I should probably do something to highlight them, though.
I also do that, though I would like to be able to account for top posts during time periods when stackers were being miserly. Maybe zaprank accounts for that? I'm not sure.
I was just wondering about how zaprank works with those older posts, too. I'm guessing the top post rankings evolve over time as our trust scores change.