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Just inspired by @cryotosensei because of #496421 and thought why don't I ask SN about their view on the particular topic of LOVE.
Let me not to the marriage of true minds Admit impediments; love is not love Which alters when it alteration finds, Or bends with the remover to remove.
These are the opening lines of Shakespeare's most famous sonnet no. 116.
Shakepeare says that true soul mates - those with loyalty to each other - should never admit, or allow, anything to hinder their love or come between them. When inevitable change comes, whether it be spiritual, mental, or physical, those who truly love don't change their minds about each Even if the other person becomes more distant, one who truly loves remains the same.
  • How do you view these immortal lines in contemporary world?
  • Can we still find such an ideal soul~mate today?
  • Is there an alternative to love? Love or true love both are same. Aren't they?
  • How about you personally? Do you have an everlasting love relationship?
Disclaer: The last question is bit too personal, you can skip it. 😆
I think it can be found, but it is quite difficult, we live in a world where what matters most is what you have and who you are, but I think there are still people who are capable of seeing beyond, but they are those who are spiritually evolved, don't give up, I think it's possible, the same thing happens with friendship.
I think one key is dropping the idea that it needs to be difficult. When we feel scarce it is difficult to attract. When we know we can do something, it is easy. Trust that you deserve the best.
I like your point of view. Thanks.
How are you going to be couped of your name is I am single. Lol
edit nym 😉. There's option available in the settings.
Awesome. I think we should all be careful what words we use. Especially what follows, "I am". Words are powerful.
Sure. Just have to settle for:
Read my mind
I found the love of my life right after I stopped looking. I was ready to die alone. I met here at an Ayahuasca ceremony. Not exactly a typical setting.
Ayahuasca and DMT are on my bucket list
Love of your life means the true love?
Congrats! I wish I could find ibe in a ceremony. Though I don't attend too many.
I hope so. It feels true for now. I am ready to be settled. What type of ceremonies are you taking about?
Good for you.
Ceremonies at my place are in abundance. I am from the land of festivals. We have festivals and ceremonies every other day.
Mosg of the time we do it with folj songs and folk music. Enjoy specific food for the occasion and give respect to our elders and deities.
Sounds awesome.
Some relationships are karmic. Temporary. For lessons. To me true love is what we find once we have worked through that karma.
It's all in the law of attraction. We attract the vibration that we put out. As we grow, we attract something new. Stay abundant. Work on yourself. Let go of feeling needy. Get off the dating apps. Then love will fall in your lap.
You are awesome. Seen like a professor of love to me.
Ahh. Thank you. I strive to be as loving as I can be. It seems like we can use as much as possible these days.