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Cal is a total phenom. I read How to Become a Straight-A Student back in college, which IIRC he wrote while he was getting straight A's at Dartmouth as a CS undergrad before going to MIT for his Phd in CS.
Then he came out with Deep Work which was enough proof for me that he's an insane talent or had really figured something out.
I hadn't seen that one. My days of trying to be a straight-A student are behind me, but sometimes these things are useful beyond their stated scope. Is this an example?
It's written for a college audience and most of what's said has been said better elsewhere. But it's a short read and as an application of learning/memory research, it's very accessible. Most of what I remember:
  • spaced repetition for memory
  • study in public for the sensation of being held accountable
  • scheduling/blocking time for studying/homework to avoid cramming (kind of a prelude to Deep Work)