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ek have you ever checked out my site? I think in our writing, you and I run parallel lines of a certain flavor of honesty, so that's cool
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I forgot to ask since I am often overwhelmed by the amount of stuff I want to read1: How much time do you spend writing vs reading?
As someone I see as a writer, I would think that you write more than you read but as a dev, I know that we tend to read more code than we write. So I would guess it's the same for a writer?
I also noticed that reading more from other people helps me with my own writing (as I mentioned in my other comment with your writing style being inspiring). What I like to read from other people I try to incorporate into my own work.
update: I started reading the article and the first sentences are actually exactly about how much people write:
Quantity has a quality of its very own. Some writers are good - and they write all the time. The holy trinity of newsletter writers (Matt Levine, Byrne Hobart and Patrick McKenzie) write up to 700k words a year - so 2,000 words a day. I think Matt Levine’s schedule looks a little bit like waking up and doing 4000 words early in the morning about three times a week, then hitting send on his newsletter.


  1. like this here from @elvismercury that I still haven't read
ek have you ever checked out my site?
I am honestly not sure! But I remember that I checked out your old blog, but not enough. Maybe I clicked on "A place for becoming" and then got sucked in, not finding my way back haha
I think in our writing, you and I run parallel lines of a certain flavor of honesty, so that's cool
Your writing style is inspiring (best example for me is this), so I am glad that you see parallels since that's what I saw too. Makes me feel recognized!