A revolution that was provoked by EU and USA
Zelensky has not been topped because of aid from USA. Once money stops flowing he will be deposed via coup or revolution.
Many people are leaving Ukraine. Not a revolution but abandonment. Men are leaving because they don’t want to fight or die.
Without men Ukraine will lose regardless of money and military aid from USA
Toppled not topped
A revolution that was provoked by EU and USA
Yes, and collapse of Soviet Union was also provoked by USA, right? Or maybe people just didn't want to live like that anymore. Ok, maybe getting information about people abroad living differently is provocation, then yes.
Many people are leaving Ukraine. Not a revolution but abandonment. Men are leaving because they don’t want to fight or die.
That is happening everywhere. Some people just don't want to fight. Millions of Russians are leaving their country too. Still have Russian friends in Moscow, they are planning to leave, it's just not so simple right now, leaving Ukraine is simpler.
Of course the Soviet Union collapse was provoked by USA. That was the goal of the Cold War.
That’s a bad analogy for Maidan Revolution
There was no need for provocations, I grew up as a kid with teachings from parents and grandparents and grandgrandparents that Soviet Union is evil and Latvia will become free again some day (and you could get in trouble with KGB for talking such things back then). Same for most other non-Russians in USSR.
Soviet Union lost Cold War.
Warsaw Pact dissolved.
Baltic States gained independence.
Ukraine gained independence.
Everything was fine until Euromaidan 2014
No, it wasn't. Georgia 2008? Putin should have been stopped back then.
According to academic Martin Malek, western countries did not feel it was necessary to aggravate tensions with Russia over "tiny and insignificant" Georgia.
Same mistake West did with Czechoslovakia in 1938 (Munich Agreement).
Not the same
Munich agreement was more serious
It was a mistake to concede Czechoslovakia because balance of power shifted to Germany
Georgia did not change balance of power
My mistake
I forgot about 2008 in Georgia 🇬🇪
Why did Russia invade Georgia?
NATO membership potential
Stop extending NATO membership to former Soviet states and war can be averted!
Georgia invasion was 30 days or less
So countries don't have rights to choose their destiny? NATO membership in these countries has popular support. Why? Because they are afraid of Russian invasion again, as it have happened in past centuries. Russia (Muscovy) is collapsing empire since Crimean War (1853-1856), but it doesn't want to die yet.
NATO expansion has been a geopolitical mistake.
Ukraine wants to join NATO but not enough members will approve especially USA
USA must approve with 67 senators voting yes
I predict Ukraine will have less than 50 votes
NATO is a Cold War relic. We live in a post Cold War world. NATO should be dissolved