I realize the gravity of the information I am requesting on behalf of the law enforcement community here. I realize that not everyone has a positive outlook/ trust in our current law enforcement community. However, my prayer and hope is that there are still moral and ethical people who do want to do good in our world and see the betterment of society. I believe Bitcoin and it’s users see this and are willing to help. This is my request because overall, it benefits all bitcoin entities and sovereign holders.
  1. I’m looking for resources and or classes I can bring forward to my team to inform them at the most basic level of how Bitcoin and or the blockchain work.
  2. I would love to have information I can pull together to publish a PowerPoint to help teach/inform my team as well as my department on how Bitcoin may be used in the “black market” or surface level street crimes for drug, sex trafficking, stolen vehicles, homicides, retail theft etc…
  3. Any new trends/themes or conversations that anyone has heard or know about that could be beneficial in passing forward
  4. Points of contacts that people can help point me to
I thank every one of you in advance for any information that comes as a result of this.
Bitcoin to the moon!!
I don't know man. Is tracing transaction history really needed to prove a crime? Is like, video evidence of dealing for example not effective? What about finger prints for homicides? Undercover investigation cost too much money?
Every instinct in me says that the ability for an authority to commence mass surveillance of anything is a detriment to society, not a good.
“Every instinct in me says that the ability for an authority to commence mass surveillance of anything is a detriment to society, not a good.”
———Not looking for ability to “mass” surveil. The motivation for most crime involves money. I’m just asking to be able to teach people how Bitcoin transactions and based on a decentralized ledger with the ability for everyone to see as a checks and balance system. I want you to keep your privacy just like everyone else.
I realize the gravity of the information I am requesting on behalf of the law enforcement community here.
The unverified claim of operating on behalf of some authority is weak sauce. The "gravity" of your inquiries is such that a Google search would answer, in abundance, the majority of them.
Very peculiar that "LEC" would be on Stacker News to find such open information. Calling bullshit.
Same. But OP didn't claim to be LE. Maybe it's just an attempt to build a collection of materials useful for LE?
Who knows.
Yes, this is exactly what I’m seeking to do!
Are you under the assumption that a cop wouldnt be on stacker news asking for some assistance? You also assume that a google search would answer an “abundance” of my questions. Although it may answer some of my questions, Google also censors its requests on its browser and can steer you away from the questions/ facts you’re actually seeking. Hence the reason why I ask on a platform like this which has so many boots on the ground. If you refer back to my original requests, many of those points would never be answered on a “google” search.
I do appreciate that you have vetted through my post and are essentially calling b.s. that I would seek such information. As a detective, I would question the validity of the post as well. Was just asking for help bro. It’s ok.
Only idiots use an open ledger to commit crimes. You and your team better grab some coffee and binoculars and do your job the old fashioned way. Cryptography has set back the surveillance state at least 40 years and the world is better off for it.
I am requesting on behalf of the law enforcement community here
fuck off! fuck the laws, fuck their followers!
Have you people ever stopped and thought: this LAW IS NOT JUSTICE
No right? You just do whatever Law tells you to
This is why we don’t trust you
You lack the capacity to discern and discriminate between Just and unjust
“You people”? So I’m identified by what I do for a career?
And who is “we”?
And I lack the capacity to determine to discern what is just and unjust? So do you have capacity or are you just making a claim that you, yourself also lack? By what standard are you making that claim? If not me and if not you, then who does have the capacity to discern?
At the end of the day, “most” LE will still come to help in your time of need brother. There are bad eggs in every entity that employs a fallen and corrupt people that make bad choices everyday. But you can’t make the blanket statement that “we” don’t trust “you”.