should all businesses that make bad decisions be permanently shunned?
Yeah that's a huge understating of what conbase did, but also what conbase is doing right fucking now.
Fuck conbase and shitcoin magazine both. They are birds of the same feather
114 sats \ 2 replies \ @kr OP 20 Apr
do you agree with this comment?
I'm much less concerned about them partnering with FEDs (Unless they went out of their way to do so, but otherwise one would just expect a company to comply with the government their based in otherwise they'd get shutdown) and much more concerned with how they actively fight bitcoin.
It would be one thing if they were just on the wrong side of the block size wars and we moved on from it, but the con in conbase is their "educational" courses where they push shitcoins onto people.
Imagine if you sent your friends or family to a broker hoping they'd buy SPY (an S&P index fund) but instead the broker gives them an educational course on a pink slip penny stock!
This analogy doesn't work perfectly, but hopefully you get the idea. Coinbase sucks in every way they could suck.
No but I respect his opinion. Everyone has to live according to their principles, wrong or otherwise
Permanently and for the entire eternity.
Have they made a turn around?
i don’t know what coinbase did wrong in the first place, or if they’ve made a turnaround, just asking this from a principles standpoint
Partnering with helping feds surveil bitcoiners and promoting scams. That's my issue with them.
If a company does these things I will never use them, trust them, or recommend them ever again. More generically if a person makes a change I will give them a chance to restore themselves but it is hard to regain trust that is broken.
104 sats \ 5 replies \ @kr OP 20 Apr
Would you agree that Twitter “partnered with feds” and “promoted scams” too? If I recall they had NFT profile pics for a while and then got rid of them. Do you still use their service?
Would you agree that Stripe has partnered with feds and promoted scams too? Do you still shop online using their service?
Fair points.
99 sats \ 3 replies \ @kr OP 20 Apr
not to say we should be ok with people doing these things, it just seems weird to me that Bitcoiners have made Coinbase into public enemy #1, and refuse to acknowledge improvements they make while simultaneously giving passes to other companies doing similar things outside of Bitcoin
I think this comes from them being early and the leading company in bitcoin as far as exchanges. I think many feel betrayed.
The other side of this is that Coinbase has done things they are not required by law to do, IE the surveillance stuff. The other companies you list are fiat companies and while bitcoiners don't talk about them in such negative terms they also aren't claiming to be good actors in bitcoin like Coinbase does.
That's at least how I believe I am thinking about these companies in different ways. I'm not a fan of Twitter pre / post Elon. Stripe is a necessary evil if you need to do fiat payments just as Paypal is.
With Coinbase there are other options if you just want to exchange fiat for bitcoin. Strike and Cashapp in the US and the others like Swan, and River. These options are bitcoin only and haven't promoted crypto or pushed forward surveillance.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @kr OP 20 Apr
if we zoom way out of the tech ecosystem and look at businesses like grocery stores, don’t they fall into the same category as Coinbase, Twitter, and Stripe too?
i could argue they promote scams in the form of fake meat, seed oil sludge, and all the other junk they sell, and if the recent trend towards “cashless” continues, it won’t be long before all your grocery store transactions are being surveiled (not sure if feds have access, but banks and credit card companies definitely do)
there are options to use cash at farmers markets, although admittedly they are often not a large enough selection of items for most people to rely on as their only food provider.
i don’t know what coinbase did wrong in the first place
LOL did you lived under a rock until now? read here the full list (maybe I missed some more): #78930
deleted by author
100% I have no remorse for shitcoineries.
99 sats \ 4 replies \ @kr OP 20 Apr
so if i sell a customer a sub-par product, should my business be shut down?
or should it have the opportunity to do right by the customer and rebuild lost trust?
D not do business with shitcoiners. It is so simple. BOYCOTT THE MOTHERFUCKERS.
199 sats \ 2 replies \ @kr OP 20 Apr
forget shitcoins and bitcoins and coinbase for a moment.
do you think people and businesses should be given second chances to rebuild the trust of their peers/customers?
for this question, let’s assume that the “bad thing” a person or company did was not illegal.
second chances to rebuild the trust of their peers/customers?
Only if they prove they take the right path. Yes I believe in 2nd chance, I am not that crazy to not.
Illegal is a vague term for me...
Anyways... Coinbase deserve the shit. They must die.
I feel compelled to make an interesting observation about the irony of this meme. First off, I’m not making any comment about the merits (I totally agree with this point, although not every part of this bigger argument) or demerits of the argument. However, aren’t the characters in the scene that this comes from literally taking the exact opposite positions? Vader has the legal power of the empire and has captured the rebels who are justifying their mission on non-legal, moral grounds.
Companies can change or adapt or apologize for mistakes