so if i sell a customer a sub-par product, should my business be shut down?
or should it have the opportunity to do right by the customer and rebuild lost trust?
D not do business with shitcoiners. It is so simple. BOYCOTT THE MOTHERFUCKERS.
199 sats \ 2 replies \ @kr OP 20 Apr
forget shitcoins and bitcoins and coinbase for a moment.
do you think people and businesses should be given second chances to rebuild the trust of their peers/customers?
for this question, let’s assume that the “bad thing” a person or company did was not illegal.
second chances to rebuild the trust of their peers/customers?
Only if they prove they take the right path. Yes I believe in 2nd chance, I am not that crazy to not.
Illegal is a vague term for me...
Anyways... Coinbase deserve the shit. They must die.
I feel compelled to make an interesting observation about the irony of this meme. First off, I’m not making any comment about the merits (I totally agree with this point, although not every part of this bigger argument) or demerits of the argument. However, aren’t the characters in the scene that this comes from literally taking the exact opposite positions? Vader has the legal power of the empire and has captured the rebels who are justifying their mission on non-legal, moral grounds.