This looks like a competitor to
These services are in some sense commodities and while my initial thought is that they'd be very sticky I guess all you'd need to switch is your key-pair.
What will the winner in the space do to win? Probably what AWS did: grow faster then throw a bunch of proprietary bells and whistles on that are expensive to decouple your application from.
"... throw a bunch of proprietary bells and whistles on that are expensive to decouple your application from"
Sounds autobiographical 😁
Nice one!
They're really good at taking some fiat out of public investors, converting it into Bitcoin, and then opening up Lightning channels for a fee.
interesting concept
Anyone know what this company sells other than the LN platform? It's looks like they've been public for awhile.
I believe this is their first real product - they only did $15k of revenue in Q2