From the earliest days of learning to crawl as an infant, movement and exercise have been integral to my life's journey. Now, as a dedicated athlete, I've traversed through a myriad of trials and errors to uncover the exercises that not only align with my preferences but also propel me towards peak performance and optimal health.
Among the more challenging yet immensely rewarding training endeavors I've undertaken is the pursuit of sprinting excellence. It's not merely about running for the sake of exertion but rather delving into the mechanics of speed itself. Enhancing my sprinting abilities carries profound implications for my performance in football, but beyond the sport, it serves as a profound educational journey.
Mastering the art of sprinting demands an understanding of physics, rigorous weight training, meticulous attention to recovery to prevent injuries, a finely-tuned diet, and the cultivation of optimal body control and nerve coordination at high velocities. Yet, amidst this pursuit, humility remains a constant companion, reminding me of my humanity and the boundless depths of learning.
What fitness routines do other stackers follow? Are you committed to traditional weightlifting, do you prefer daily walks for grounding, or perhaps you explore more unconventional, alter_native avenues of exercise? I'm curious to learn about the diverse approaches to physical fitness and well-being embraced by fellow enthusiasts.
I love to get my exercise while also getting something done. I just moved into our new property. I am spending about 4 hours a day moving and throwing rocks, digging, and cutting down and cleaning foliage. It's great. I get lots of sun, a good work out and I am clearing paths at the same time. I love this type of workout. I get something done. And it builds usable strength thought out the body.
Installing solar arrays is another great work out. Lifting heavy panels over head and climbing up ladders with them is an incredible work out.
All amazing forms of exercise while also being productive, love it!
I’ve been doing 100 pushups, squats, calf raises every day for the 100k countdown.
At the gym, I like getting a randomized workout by maxing reps of whatever weights the machines are on when I get on them.
Very cool! How long has it been since starting this? Notice any changes?
I'm almost three months into the first one. I've definitely noticed big improvements in my shoulder strength and hip range of motion.
I haven't been to the gym lately. It stopped being convenient with our kid's various things. Back when I was doing that, though, I noticed pretty solid gains in endurance (reps), but somewhat marginal gains in max strength.
I've done 100 pushups a day since the end of January. I added planks and leg lifts for core to that. I also do 30 minutes of cardio daily and Jiu-Jitsu twice a week. And of course the dog gets two walks a day.
Dang, absolutely killing it! How long have you been doing jiu-jitsu?
About a year. It's awesome. Hardest thing I've ever done. It is good motivation to do all the other stuff.
So cool! Keep it up!
I regularly hike and play pickleball. But I just started a strength bodyweight workout routine. Push ups, squats, lunges. It's not something I like to do - I especially hate the push-ups - but I'm definitely getting better in pickleball.
That's awesome to hear that strength training is benefitting your pickleball game, I have had a similar experience with proper strength and conditioning implementation and my overall football performance.