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What would you do? What's not illegal now can be illegal tomorrow. So you're instantly a criminal just by holding Bitcoin. They see your name though metadata (from KYC exchanges) so you do have bitcoin, they just haven't caught up to you. what's the plan?
Move to Monero? Private money by default4.0%
Forget seed phrase, until forced by guns18.7%
Give up your hard stack of Sats/Bitcoin1.3%
Be a criminal76.0%
75 votes \ poll ended
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good one ! I usually do that in the taxman office
LOL "move to monero"... nice try shitcoiner...
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For example, owning slaves in the US was at some point completely legal.
And you are still a slave, but you were not informed... Read more about the words of Col Eduard Mandell #516050
Not everyone is an American or lives in the US.
You are wrong and you should study more. Those words were not only about americans, are applied to the whole world. Start here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YU-AKaJTgc
Okay I'm interested. I'll like to believe most bitcoiners already suspected/knew they were numbers, hence SSN. Trapped in a broken system.
They figured out how to make you a slave and have you think that you're not.
I'd have a boating accident and emigrate out of the country.
This is not likely to happen, so don't worry, stay calm, stack SATS and enjoy your life.
I'll be a happy criminal :)
Criminalising capital is tough, since you could just take it to a country where it isn't unless all countries don't want bitcoiners
I'd genuinely like to know Bitcoiners' arguments against Monero.
Some people just aren't flexible. They see an orange, blue pill but not the red.
Just move to a country that accepts my capital, I guess. If others do the same, then that hypothetical Bitcoin country will be very productive.
it'll be hard to move to another country if USA bars citizens from leaving. We saw this in Japan and korea, Citizens could not go in/out of the country during flu 19. Even if you left.. they demand you file your taxes as it's your duty to do so. So how can you say you're free if you're still tied? US and Australia are doing worldwide taxes, even if you don't live there- you must file it
For the record, S Korea never stopped anyone from leaving the country during Covid, AFAIK. It was just a lot of paperwork, proof of vaccination, etc... that made it not worth it to travel for most. But you could still travel if you wanted to. Just to be factual about this point, not to disagree about the actual gist of your message.
I doubt they can prevent people from leaving without a threat of violence. The only reason they got away with that is because people were too afraid of the flu.
there's another variation of the flu-- you can't leave!! BS.. they could come up with whatever. Or do you think I'm wrong?
No, what I mean is that if the situation is bad enough people will leave regardless. They can't stop that short of putting a gun on someone's head. They'll make it incredibly tedious and annoying but they can't stop you.
Plus, I don't think outlawing Bitcoin is something that can happen overnight. They can't, it would be incredibly unpopular. It will be a slow affair and if you listen well enough you'll know when to dip.
Over my dead body, and a pile of theirs. Molon Labe
according to DarkCoin- we're all dead
That’s why we win. We know we are dead either way. When the outcome is the same, die as a slave or die free, a large number of young men will choose to die on their feet, vs on their knees.
I am not implying a majority of men, just a large enough number to be a big problem for the parasite class.
There are 3 choices in nature when faced with violence - fight, flight, or freeze. When fleeing and hiding are no longer an option, guess what happens when you corner an animal? It will rip you apart or die trying. At some point, the lion decides the honey badger isn’t worth it.
Not every honeybee needs to sting, just a few. And those few that do, will die. But all the bees benefit from that sacrifice.
If they could do it, they would have already done it. They don't have that chance anyway.
"They're in charge while we use their money"
Oh no I had a tragic boating accident and lost my keys.
Well, at the beginning I would use the card "I have lost the seed phrase"... but it would be very uncomfortable for me this kind of scenario... and probably it would force me to give up 😣
If they make me a criminal because of that, fine. Then I'll behave like one, too.
Nice fud try
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