We like Bitcoin and we hope it will be a global reality in the next future. But, since my first wallet, I have this question: how will people be able to defend themselves against criminality?
For example, nowadays if someone is kidnapped their family's bank accounts are immediately blocked, to discourage this kind of illegal activity.
Or, if a thief catches you on the road he can get your cash, maybe a little withdrawal from the ATM, but nothing more, not all your money.
Or, if thieves enter your house, they can take what you have physically there, but the money in your bank accounts is safe.
So, what will happen when all of us have their bank in our bitcoin wallets? How can we deny having our secret words if everyone is expected to own them? There will be a time when thieves will be sure they can get seeds from the people: they will simply sit in your living room waiting for the words and, after getting them, they will wait for the transaction before greeting you. And this is irreversible.
When I think about this I don't see a solution.